"You're going to miss my dirty mouth baby, I know you will," he says smugly, removing my hands and kissing the pads of my fingertips.

"I'll still hear it when you call me every day," I tell him earnestly and he sighs sadly at the realisation of our reality.



I fucking hate doing photoshoots, I avoid them as much as I can and although my press tour has come and gone and I'm in the middle of an actual tour, it is pretty hard to say no to Rolling Stone Magazine when they ask if they can fit in a shoot and interview between shows.

My management hinted it could be a cover and that I would be insane not to take up the opportunity.  While I loath the media, it's fucking Rolling Stone.

The atmosphere in the dressing room is excitable and contagious, everyone stoked to be doing this and a little nervous for the day ahead.

I'm sitting in the chair, my hair stylist, Lou standing beside me while Tyler rambles off all the personal things the magazine have been told they are not to ask about, namely my marriage or anything to do with my wife.

My phone lights up on the table in front of me and MY BEST FRIEND LIV flashes across the screen, she'd told me to change it a million times, saying it's embarrassing but the sentiment gets me every time and I can't bring myself to do it.

I swipe across and put it on speaker phone.

"Speak of the devil!" I yell as Lou teases the front of my hair to stand up higher.

"Harry!" I hear Olivia wail and I'm immediately on my feet, Lou and Tyler look at each other before staring back at me as I grab the phone and turn it off the speaker.

"Darling? What's wrong? Are you ok?" I stammer quickly as I walk to the furthest corner of the room to gain a false sense of privacy.

"Harry!" She sobs, and my pulse is racing at her distress.

"Liv, stop crying baby, tell me what's happened. Please!" I try to avoid Tyler and Lou's stares as I face the wall, my palm steadying myself against it.

"I'm sorry, oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She yells and I feel like I'm going to be physically sick.

"Olivia, take a deep breath, you're scaring me ok?  Tell me you're ok and then tell me what's happened."

"I'm ok." she stutters, "but... I... I..." she breaks down and I'm trying really hard not to lose my temper, fear for her wellbeing and panic that I'm not there to help starting to take over.

"Olivia... Tell me. Now, sweetheart."  I whisper harshly down the phone.

"I was in the bathroom and I-I went to take my ring off and it-it... it fell down the drain," she sobs the last bit so hard she can barely get the words out and I cover my mouth with my hand to stop myself from laughing at how god damn cute she is and the immense relief washing over me.

Tyler has taken a step forward, phone in hand, ready to make whatever emergency calls he needs to and I shake my head at him as I roll my lips together to stop my smile.

"Liv, my love, it's ok, please stop crying.. which ring are we talking about, darling," I ask, hoping to God that it's not the ridiculously expensive diamond engagement ring and it's just her wedding band.

I make a gesture to my ring finger to Tyler who seems to understand immediately, his hand dramatically placing over his heart as he sighs in relief.

"My wedding band, it fell, right down and I tried to grab it, Harry, but it was too quick!" she wails louder the more she talks.

I look up to the ceiling and exhale at the fact it's not the diamond that is technically irreplaceable and try to calm my devastated wife.

Wish You Were Here - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now