-Chapter 63: Final (Part 2)-

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Yeah, she's stable enough to go home now. I've got other cases, this is your problem. I'm a doctor not a lawyer. Those suck." The doctor said as I snickered.

"WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!" Alexander yelled as Philip held him by his arms. "POPS NO!" He yelled as Alexander was barking like a dog. 


(I know it's supposed to be 1801, but this is my story)

"You voted Burr?" Thomas suddenly asked as he came into the living room. "I thought you didn't vote." He asked as I shrugged. "Yeah...I didn't, then these...These people came up to me and tried to be all like: 'You're weak because you didn't vote.' So I punched them-"

"Y/N!" Thomas yelled in concern. "Don't worry, they're not dead. Yet." I coughed as he face palmed. "So then you voted Burr instead of Hamilton? Where's the logic?" He asked as I sighed. "I'd rather have the power given to Burr than Hamilton. We'd be dead before you could count to 5 if Hamilton won." I explained. "But Burr-"

"With Burr you can count to 10." I stated.

"True, but-"

"Then our argument is closed." I smiled and looked away from him. But then something popped in my head. 

"How did you know I voted Burr?" I asked as he looked to the side with a frown. "You have convinced people to vote on Burr and not Hamilton. They then voted on Burr and congratulated me on having such a smart wife." He explained.

"True though." I stated as I finger gunned him. He chuckled but then sighed. "Whatever you think is right." He shrugged. "Hah yeah...." I chuckled. "Did you speak to Hamilton ever since Burr got elected?" He quickly asked. "No." I quickly answered. "You sure?" He asked suspicious. "Yeah." I confirmed. 

He bit on his cheek but left. "Yeah." I repeated quieter as I pulled a letter out of my pocket. 

How's this for specific Y/N?

Weehawken dawn, guns drawn.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant.


"F*ck." I mumbled as I looked at the third letter in the four letter chain. 

"You don't have to do this Hamilton." 

"You f*cked me over."

"You were going to f*ck this whole country over-" 

"I'm done with talking." Alexander shouted as we looked at our seconds. They nodded and pulled us apart. Never thought I'd be back here. "I ain't gonna shoot Hamilton." I warned him as they turned us around and put us back to back. "Yeah right." He scoffed.

"Yeah." I repeated.

"Good luck." I sighed as he kept quiet.

He ain't gonna shoot me. He's got no intent to kill me. I'm not going to shoot him either. ...I'm not.

They let us count our paces as I shakily inhaled and exhaled. 

This is it.

1, I hope I make it through

2, I hope they get the letters I wrote

3, I hope I'm not going to shoot

4, I hope that I can see my New York city again

5, I hope I'm not gonna die in the spot I almost died in

6, I hope Mary never hurt a soul, she must've been so scared

7, I hope Thomas will find my letter that I could've written better

8, I hope Thomas and Mary will set this legacy straight

9, I hope I get to see them again


Bullet in my chest.

(Epilogue, coming soon)

Hamilton x Reader Back to their 70sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ