Chapter 1

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A Minor Inconvenience


The 5 siblings felt like they had been writhed by metal, their brains trying to get out of the thick skull. They stood panting for breath, not able to move from the weird and sore experience they'd just encountered.

"Apologies, Mikaelsons. I may have forgotten to mention the fact that Apparition is not as tranquil as it sounds," said Willow, looking at them all trying to regain their normalcy.

"Bloody hell. It felt like as if I were being forced through-"

"A tight rubber tube?" she asked, looking at Rebekah, who looked like she was about to throw up any moment.

"Any doubt in that?" sniggered Kol, who was trying to help Elijah stand up too. He dusted off his suit and adjusted his tie, trying to look completely normal even after this wreck of a journey.

"Where are we?" asked Klaus, before even she could reply to Kol, who trying to catch for breath still. He may be a 1000-year-old vampire, but it was his first time experiencing apparition.

"Well, of course, this is Diagon Alley."


*A few days back*

It was a cold night when Willow was walking on the roads of New Orleans. And it was the eerie serenity of this place that triggered her ancient memories.

It had been almost 15 years since The Battle of Hogwarts had happened. She remembered how it had drained her physically and emotionally, losing few of her loved ones and friends to Voldemort and his diabolical death eaters. She fought valiantly alongside her friends - Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. She was smiling to her self bitterly, despite thinking of this particular gory phase in her life- casting spells, knocking out death eaters and paralyzing them, fighting alongside with her professors and friends. These moments couldn't be forgotten no matter what.

Few years after the war, Willow became an Auror, along with Harry and Ron. She went through a lot of rigorous training, though she never found it too difficult since she had the passion for Defence against the Dark arts in Hogwarts.

Willow loved her job but she wanted a sabbatical. A well-deserved one.

As she was walking she felt her scar running below her left collarbone. It was a small one but she remembered how Bellatrix tried to maim her. There were only a few scars on her body, thanks to her friends, who had saved her in the nick of time. If not for their intervention, hell knows what body part would've gone missing.

Her cascade of old memories came to a halt when suddenly 3 big built men stood in front of her.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" asked Willow, with her kind yet assertive voice laced with a British accent.

"You can help us in many ways, baby." said the man in the middle, smirking like an idiot to the other two beside him. It was quite obvious that these men were drunk, their breath reeking of alcohol. But she felt that they were not just drunken Americans.

"Now, now." Willow continued calmly, her voice steady and strong as she slowly slid her hands into her side pockets. "Is that the way we talk to women these days? Baby? Seriously now. Give her some respect boys, because it's definitely sexier than calling her a baby." She remained calm as the streetlamps reflected against her shoulder-length burgundy locks which the wind blew stray strands across her face.

New Orleans' Auror • Elijah Mikaelson [TOxHP]Where stories live. Discover now