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And this is where the awkwardness happens.

I sat down as Kellin asked if I wanted something.

No, I'm fine. I said.

So what did you want to talk about? I said getting to the point.

About what happened in Karen Top last night. He said and my heart begin to race.

What about it? I asked acting dumb.

I wanted to talk to you but you didn't hear me and when I went to get you one of your friends said you weren't in the mood. What happened? He asked in a serious tone.

I wasn't in the mood that night. I said.

Did you get sick? He asked in a worry tone and it made my heart melt.

No, I just had something but I did like your show. I said trying to change the subject.

You did? He asked kinda blushing.

Yea, I especially loved your last song. I said remembering what happened.

Thanks! He said as he smiled and omg it was adorable.

We continue to talk until Kellin had to leave for band practice and when I went to hug him I saw his necklace and.....

It was glowing....


I said bye and head to my store thinking what the hell I just saw.

I called Mike telling him to meet me in my store with Tony and Jaime and that it was urgent.

I get to my store and sit in my desk resting and thinking.

Necklace only glow when your near the person you love, but his glow with the guy and to me as well.


I take out my laptop and typed "what does your necklace glow mean" and a bunch of answers popped up.

I click on one and it said that the glow depend on the feeling of the heart.

If it was glowing but not a lot in means the person is special. But if your necklace glows really bright then you found your soulmate.



I'm confusion!

I conutine to read more and other articles and it kept saying the same thing.




I lay my head on the back of my chair as I hear the doorbell ring to see Mike, Jaime, and Tony.

So what happened bro? Mike said as hop onto my desk.

Well Kellin needed to talk to me so we met at Jerry's Cafe. I get there and we talk about what happened last night. I told I wasn't feeling good but he wouldn't listen to me so i just changed the subject. We talked more and well were in good terms. But as we were hugging, I saw his necklace and guess what...... I paused looking at the guys.

WHAT?! They screamed at me.

His necklace was glowing.........
FUCKING REALLY BRIGHT! I said and they were shocked.

So now I was just on Google and guess what Google said.

I turn my laptop around as they look and all I could hear is Wow and Oh.

So what do I do? I asked.

Well I think you should ask him! Jaime said as I said No straight away.

Why not? He asked.

Well what happens if this Oli guy loves him and Kellin sees he does as well. And like if I get in between them I'll be a homewrecker. I said now starting to pace.

First of all, homewrecker is only for marry people and two maybe he has feelings for you as well and he just doesn't realize it. Jaime said as I stop pacing.

You sure? I asked and he nodded.

Fine. I'll tell him. I said and the guys pat me in the back.

It will go great! Tony said as he gives me a smile.

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for the stars and views. I hope this book will change some of my writing and well I hope you all will like it. Just to say this book will have 30 chapters. Ill explain more later.

So yup! Just wanted to say that and bye!!!

Yeah [Kellic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora