Ryan: *crying* Big brother *snif* I'm sorry!

Me: Ryan, this is not your fault. I made the decision and I do not regret it.

(M/n): *with tears* My baby boy! Please, Whatever you do, stay safe!

Me: I will mother, I just wish my stupid father would come down from his seat and come to the ceremony.

(M/n): *snif* He is... busy with his work.

Me: He was busy for more than ten years with his work, at least I would like to tell him what I think before leaving.

My father is not exactly the best father model of all, he is always busy and forgetting his family for his work. He doesn't even want to see his oldest son one last time before leaving forever, what a douchebag! The priest was still giving his speech about the honor in which I was about to get, but my gaze never left the great portal. It looked like a set of rocks that formed a cave, but you could only see darkness inside it and nothing more. After what seemed like an eternity and my family managed to recompose their composure, the priest finally finished the speech and now he is going to make the last question, which consists of some last words from me and from someone else.

Priest: Before the brave chosen one is sent to distribute justice! Does someone who is present have something to say!?


Me(mind): That voice... Oh Dear Seris. 

(Mecha: If you get that reference, you won a hug from Cinder)

From among the crowd of guests, she came out pushing everyone, my old friend from childhood who has a great love for breaking legs and hammers.

(Penny: Oh yes, my cousin Mecha came up with this strange idea, but at the same time funny, for the romance interest of the story. Everyone can take their hammers and hit him in the head later. But please do not break him to much, we still need his head.)

Me: *sigh* Nora, this is my last day in abyss

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Me: *sigh* Nora, this is my last day in abyss. Tell me what do you want?

Nora: Hey! I took the trouble to come running and crossing everything in my way to tell you that I will be your partner in this mission, and that's how you thank me?

Me: *sigh* I'm sorry Nora, is just a little sad for me lea- WAIT WHAT!? 

Priest: Lady Nora, can you prove that what you are saying is the truth?

Me: It can't be true, she is still doing her training!

Nora: Not anymore.

Nora took a parchment from her backpack and gave it to the priest. He then unrolls it and begins to read it aloud.

Priest: I, sir Reinhardt, notified that Nora Valkyrie's training has been completed and she is ready to be sent to missions. Also, by majority decision of the council, to ensure the success of this mission in the "world of the twelve", it was decided to send Miss Valkyrie as support partner of Lord (y/n). Signed by Lord Reinhardt and lady (l/n)!

Me: Mom!? 

(M/n): Heh... surprise!

Ryan: Yay! Big bro is not going to be alone! He is going to be with his girlfriend!

Me: Ryan! She is not my girlfriend!

Nora: *whispering* Not jet.

Me: What?

Nora: Nothing!

Priest: Lord (y/n), Do you have any last words before leaving?

Me: Yes sir, I do. 

I walk towards my younger brother and put my hand on top of his head while I mess with his hair.

Me: Ryan, Today I must leave for duty. That's why I leave you the responsibility to protect everyone here for me. Whatever happens, don't think you're weak because others say you are. Every individual is strong in their own way, you just have to discover your way of becoming strong and you will do well.

Ryan: I will big bro! I will become the strongest warrior of the abyss! 

Me: Mom, you were always there for me and Ryan. Thank you, for every moment of happiness that you gave me and I promise you that you will be proud of me. 

(M/n): *with small tears* Since the beginning I was proud of you and your brother! Please Nora, take care of him.

Nora: Don't worry miss (L/n), I'll be on him like a hammer on a nail.

Me(mind): I can already say that it will be me who is going be watching that she does not get in any kind of trouble when we arrive.

Priest: Lady Nora, do you have anything to say?

Nora: Yeah, There will be pancakes to the place where we will go, right?

Priest: Em... Yeah, I guess.

Nora: I have nothing else to say!

Priest: Very well then, please walk to the portal.

Ryan: Good luck big bro! Defeat the bad guys!

(M/n): Be safe!

Nora and I entered the dark cave, inside of it, many voices were heard, as if they were asking for help or if they were dying. Nora took advantage of the terrifying situation to hug my arm and be close to me.

Nora: What are those voices?

Me: Those are the voices of the people who tried to return to the abyss. When they left, they lost their balance. Because of that, they were locked in a place where time does not move and space does not exist. Did you really end your training?

Nora: Hey! I pass the practical part of the training, not the academic part!

The more we walked, the louder the voices became. After a few minutes, there was a light in what looked like the end of the cave. When we go through that light, we appear in the middle of a forest during day time. I look up and see a black hole closing, guess that's where we came from.

Nora: So... what now?

Me: For now, we better look for supplies and a place to camp. A long and dangerous quest awaits us.

Nora: I want pancakes for dinner.

Me: Nora, we are in the middle of the forest.

Nora: *GASP* Do you think it could exist pancake trees in this world?

Me(mind): This is going to be a very VEEERRRYYY, long life.

Nora: Do you know something about the object that we have to look for and break his legs?

Me: First, I do not think It have any legs.

Nora: Awww.

Me: Second, the object we are looking for is something small. According to the data, this object was in several worlds throughout its existence, always traveling from place to place and that made it difficult to locate. But for more than two hundred and thirty years this object stayed in this world, that gives us the opportunity to destroy it now that it is unable to continue moving.

Nora: Wow, do you know anything more.

Me: I think his discoverers called it... the eliacube.


Mecha: So that was the intro and when I have time I'll upload the following chapters, I'm really excited to write this story. And because I got lazy, I'll tell you... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Mecha: I suck for intros and descriptions ;_;

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