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i. the reunion

Primrose Summers, Fork's very own bold teenager; the outspoken girl had grown up in the small and rainy town of Washington, the girl who had many 'friends' yet she had nobody who she could truly trust. All her so called friends had betrayed her in the past and would most probably do it again, which caused her to put up walls and she came off as snappy some of the time.

But you could also say that she enjoyed it. The popularity. It does that to any teenage girl who has a chance to be popular, even if they don't mean it to happen intentionally.

She was currently sat on her rather comfortable sofa and was covered in blankets and throws, it was her typical Sunday morning. She would just sit there for hours on end, catching up on all her shows, whiled doing her nails ready for the day after.

She did that for most of the day but that was until there was a sound coming from outside. A car pulling up; Romy had been informed by her next door neighbour, who was also the Chief police of the town, that his only daughter would be arriving today.

Bella Swan was her name and her and Romy had been best friends since youngsters. Inseparable. So it was no shock that Romy jumped up from her seat and rushed towards the window, just to be sure that it was indeed Charlie Swan and his daughter.

And it was. Charlie and Bella Swan were stood outside of Charlie's house along with Jacob and Billy Black. Jacob Black was a friend of Romy's since they were little. Her, Jacob and Bella were the troublemakers before Bella moved away with her mother.

With a wide grin, the 17 year old ran outside, in her joggers and hoodie, as she reached them the five gave her a welcoming smile but Bella looked a tad confused.

Romy wrapped her arms around the paler brunette, "Bella!" She greeted, Bella was hesitant to embrace the girl but did eventually hug back.

When the two released, Bella was able to look at the girl properly and that was when she noticed familiar features of her best friend when she lived in Forks; her dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and her button nose which she got teased for by Bella and Jacob. "Romy?" Bella asked the brunette, who gave a short nod, "Hello, Bells."

"You're still as short as I remember." She joked, looking at the 5'2" brunette who gave Bella a playful eye roll. "Just as short." A voice came from behind them. Jacob Black.

"Jake." Romy grinned, embracing her lanky best friend, before turning to his father who sat in a wheelchair from an unknown accident from a while back. She gave him a kind smile, "Hey Billy! Been a while." The older man returned the smile, "You should visit more often." He said and the brunette gave a promising look.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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