Chapter Two

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  When the headmaster said he had given the team one of the largest rooms, they were not expecting a space that was the size of large master bedrooms. The main room gigantic, with light grey walls, dark oak floors, and a white ceiling and trim. A white leather U-shaped sectional couch was pressed set in the corner by the large glass windows that overlooked the city, a small kitchen on the right side of the room near the back, and a small dining table just outside the kitchen. There was a small bathroom hidden behind an oak door and two bedrooms that each had two beds in them, along with one master bath for each room. The rest of the open space could be used for whatever they wanted.
"I wasn't expecting this," Cathy muttered, and the other three nodded, looking around in amazement.
Kyo was the first to start walking around his emerald eyes wide with curiosity and awe. He made his way towards the large windows and looked down at the city. "This is amazing. You can see almost everything." He whispered.
"And look at that view." Kyle smiled, walking over to his brother. Mountains and forests stood tall in the distance, and behind that was a large, man-made lake.
Cathy and Ally soon joined them after checking the dorms. The view was beautiful, but Ally couldn't help but glance at Kyo every few seconds. Something about him interested her.
The black haired boy soon moved away from the glass and walked towards one of the dorms. He didn't say anything and walked in while the three chatted for a bit.

A soft sigh left Kyo as he sat down on one of the beds. He told the headmaster countless times that he didn't want to be apart of a team. He was scared of being judged, bullied, and left behind.
He removed the handle of a scythe from his belt and set it on his lap. He ran his fingers over the design, feeling a light pull come from the weapon. He stared at it for a few more seconds before he stood up, deciding to go on a small mission to clear his head.
He didn't bother to tell the other's he was leaving since he had a feeling Kyle would know what he was doing, like always, and let the others way. He left quietly and walked down the hall to the main floor. He stuffed his hands into his dark jean pockets, and he closed his eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

Kyo's eyes shot open, and he swore he jumped fifty feet into the air when he heard Ally's voice. He ran a hand over his face and groaned, trying to calm down after the small scare. "Don't scare me like that." He muttered and pinched the bridge of his nose.
A soft giggle caught his attention, causing him to look down at the shorter girl with a questioning look.
"I'm sorry, but your reaction was priceless."
He rolled his eyes, rather annoyed by the small prank, and quickened his pace to leave her behind. It didn't work as well as he wanted it to, for she had quickly caught up with him in a matter of seconds. He sighed and lowered his head, stopping in the middle of the hall. "Why are you even walking with me, anyway?" He asked, looking at her with a cold glare.
Ally turned to look at him, her arms crossing. "I want to get to know you more."
Kyo scuffed and began to walk away. "There's nothing about me that you would want to know." He replied.
"That's not true." He turned his head and looked over at Ally, who still had her arms crossed. "You're scared to open up, let people in. Instead, you push them away before they can hurt you."
He growled lowly and glared dagger at her, curling his hands into fists. "How about you shut up? You don't know me, what I've been through, or what it's like to be in my place." He turned away from her and began to walk away, leaving Ally rather surprised and hurt by his words. "No one knows what's its like."

A few hours had passed since Kyo had left for a mission. He was now returning to the school, wearing an old, broken witch doctors mask, black jeans, and a black trench coat that helped hide his identity.
It was getting close to midnight, and the school halls were empty. A soft huff left him and he walked to the stairs, lowering his head. He hadn't taken his suit off yet and didn't feel like it either. No one was out to see him, after all. The hall lights were dimmed for the night, something about protecting students eyes from the harsh overhead lights.
The lights did make Kyo look like a serial killer, though. With the broken witch doctor's mask that was cracked and bent at the nose, the black clothing, and a scythe hanging on his back, he could easily scare one of the younger kids and give them nightmares.
When he reached the dorm he and his team now occupied, he expected all of them to be asleep. What he wasn't expecting was to find Ally pacing by the large window, her red hair put in a neat braid. He closed the door and took the mask off, putting it under his arm. He watched her expression as it changed from fear to relief than to annoyance.
"Where have you been? I was worried sick!" She hissed, glaring at him as she walked towards him quickly.
"Why would you be worried about me? I can take care of myself." He grumbled and turned, about to walk to the bedroom he and Ryan had claimed. Before he could move, though, Ally stepped in front of him.
"Is it wrong for me to care about you? You're my teammate. I don't want you getting hurt."
Care. That was something Kyo had never received from anyone other than his brother. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, sighing. He muttered out a 'no', the feeling of regret weighing his shoulders down. He knew he shouldn't have shouted at her, or stormed off, or stayed out so late, and he regretted that. However, he wasn't ready to open up, to get hurt again, to show his feelings.
His shoulders trembled a little and he gripped the mask a little too tight, causing his knuckles to start turning white. He felt Ally place her hands on his, and he relaxed just the slightest. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
Ally shook her head and slowly took the mask from him. "I don't know what made you so cold, but I know something happened. I'm not going to push you to tell me. I want you to take your time, and let us, your team, gain your trust." She said and took a deep breath before continuing. "But we're your team. We care about you. We're a family now."
Kyo nodded and raised his head, looking her in the eyes. "Okay. Thank you."
The red-haired girl nodded before placing the mask back onto his face with a small smile. "Now go get some rest, silly." She turned on her heels and walked to the door of the other bedroom. She reached for the handle but stopped, turning to look at him again. "I hope I can someday get to know you better. Good night, Kyo."
She opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Once the door was closed and all was silent, a tear rolled down Kyo's cheek. Then another fell. Soon, he was crying, wetting the inside of the mask.
"Thank you..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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