Cordelia The Brave

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There is a braveness in this world. A stupid braveness, a pure braveness. This braveness is hidden deep inside The Brave. And will only be sparked at the time of true tragedy. The Brave is destined for greatness.
Now, show respect, for The Brave has arrived.

••April 18th••
Lady Rye held the crying bundle in her arms. "Shh, darling, it's okay. Moms here." The candle light flickered, sending shadows across the room. The crying quiets until it's no more than a whimper. Two beautiful sea blue eyes look up to Lady Rye. Lady Rye smiles at the sight of her daughter. "Hello Cordelia." She said than kissed her daughters forehead. The wood door to the room opened. Captain Rye comes in the room. He goes up to Cordelia.
"How's she doin'?" He asked his wife, Lady Rye.
She lets out a small laugh. "Oh she's fine darling, don't worry." Lady Rye says then looks at her daughter with loving eyes.
Captain Rye looks worriedly to his wife.
"Do ye think she'll be okay? On this here pirate ship."
Lady Rye looked out the pirate ships window, pain filling her eyes. The sea rocked the ship back and forth.
"I know. It will be dangerous. But I wouldn't want her to live any other way." She said.
Captain Rye brought her into a hug.
"Ye won't regret letting 'er stay."

Later that day, Lady Rye takes the infant Cordelia around the ship, showing her all the rooms. They enter the treasure room.
"And this is the treasure room. Your fathers riches are here." Lady Rye says.
Cordelia giggles and waves her hand. Her hand glows gold, a golden coin rises into the air and floats into Cordelia's palm. Cordelia giggles and looks at the coin with her shining blue eyes.
You see, Cordelia possessed magic because she was a kin, like her father. Humans call these kins, monsters. But something was different about Cordelia, she didn't have the powers she was supposed to have, this is why Lady Rye freaked out.
"Glacier!!" She yelled.
Captain Rye was on the main deck with his first mate when he herd his birth name. He ran to the treasure room with the first mate hard on his heels. When the captain went into the treasure room he asked his wife what was wrong.
His wife eyed the coin with fear, you see, his wife was human while he was kin. She was not yet used to such magic.
"Cordelia, she. The coin!" She said.
At the mention of the coin Cordelia made it float up once again. The first mates eyes were wide with shock, he noticed immediately that Cordelia was a mutant. The Captain snatched the coin out of the air then threw it back into the pile of treasure. But as if the coin was living, it came right back to Cordelia.
The first mate crossed his arms. "Ye got a mutant as a daughter." He said.
Captain Rye sighs. "Yes. I do."
The first mate looked at Cordelia. "She can't be allowed to stay here." He said.
The Captain whipped around to face him. "She'll stay. She is my daughter!" He said.
The first mate looked outraged. "Ye can't possibly be serious Captain! She'll doom us all!" He said.
The Captain got real close to him. "She'll stay. I'll help her control 'er powers." He said in a stern voice.
The first mate met his gaze. "Don't ye know we're the word mutiny comes from?" He said.
The Captains hands clenched into fist. Lady Rye held her child close.
"She'll stay. That's an order, unless ye want to walk the plank." He said.
The fist mate was surprised that he was willing to do that, all for a child. He backed off.
"Yes Captain, I understand. Please don't be mad at me Captain, I was just looking out for the best of the crew." He said, then went to the main docks.
Cordelia felt a tug at her heat. A brave tug, a stupidly brave tug.
Lady Rye was watching the infant crawl around the top deck. Cordelia's light pink hair shined in the sun. Lady Rye looked away for just a moment when the first mate asked her to help raise the sail. As Lady Rye was busy lifting the sale, little Cordelia felt something in the water. Something magical. She crawled to the edge of the ship. The ship went slowly back and forth with the waves. Cordelia looks over the edge of the ship into the sea below. She sits down and focuses on the spot we're she senses unknown magic.
Lady Rye sees Cordelia. "Oh! Cordelia! Get away from the edge!" She rushes over to her daughter. Cordelia looks to her mom and points to Were she was looking.
"Bu-bulls" She utters her first word.
With that word Lady Rye forgets the danger of the ship's edge. "What did you say Cordelia?" She asked.
"Bu-bulls!" Cordelia points again to the water her eyes full of urgency.
Lady Rye lifts Cordelia up and gives her a hug.
"You spoke! Captain! Cordelia said her first word- ahh!" Lady Rye words were cut of by the ship tipping sharply to one side.
The first mate drew his sword, the Captain rushed out. "What is goin' on!" He shouted.
"We're under attack sir!" The first mate said.
The sound of large claws climbing up the ship drew the captains attention. "Go inside dear." The Captain said to his wife.
As she went inside with Cordelia, Cordelia got to see the beast climb aboard and threaten her father with a growl. It was then, she knew what she sensed in the water.
Now it was 2003. And Cordelia was a few days away from turning 3. There's unique things about kins. Other than the fact that they have magic, they are much stronger than humans, 10 times stronger to be exact. Kins also develop instincts faster, for survival. That fact explains how 5 year old kins are as smart as 10 year old humans. Don't be shocked by what The Brave dose next.
Cordelia was sitting on the deck sucking on her thumb and watching her crew mates practice fighting. Her dad and his first mate, Ahab, were in combat. There cutlass clinked as they collided. Two other men that were a part of Captain Ryes crew were on the bow practicing with there cutlasses. The cabin boy was polishing the deck, while trying to keep a eye on Cordelia as ordered. He had faint scars on him from past times he had failed orders. Cordelia watched her dad and his first mate battle. Soon she got tired of watching the same routine so she used her powers to sense magic, and treasure. She felt the cabin boys magic for he was a kin. She felt the gold coin in her pocket, the same one she made float in the air. She felt her crew-mates power, the treasure in the treasure room, then she felt something very strong. She looked to see her mom come out of the captains quarters. And on her neck was the thing that sparked Cordelia's interest, a necklace. She clapped her hands and pointed to it.
"Gimmy!" She said.
Her mom looked to Cordelia. "You want this?" She asked and pointed to the necklace, it was golden. Cordelia nodded vigorously. Lady Rye hesitated, the necklace was a gift from Captain Rye, when he confessed his love. But she took it off and handed it to Cordelia, who delicately held it.
"That was from your father, very long ago. Before you were born." She said.
Lady Rye looked to her husband with loving eyes. "Cabin boy, please keep a close eye on Cordelia while I go make the men some drinks." She said. Then she went inside.
The cabin boy looked at Cordelia. He was exhausted from the labor. She looked back at him, holding the necklace in one hand. He saw no attempt from her to move so he went back to his work.
When Lady Rye came out with drinks the men immediately stopped training.
"Cabin boy! Get our cutlasses sharpened and cleaned!" Ahab said. At the sound of his position, the cabin boy stood up abruptly, knocking over the bucket of wood polish. Cordelia squealed in joy as it came seeping to her and in the process of her excitement she threw the gold necklace overboard! The crews attention was on Cordelia as the necklace flew into the water with a loud, plop. Cordelia immediately knew what she had done and stood up. She looked back and forth between the sea and her mom. Lady Rye covered her mouth with her hands and tears fell from her eyes. Cordelia's lip trembled, knowing that she had been a bad girl.
Ahab looked to the cabin boy in anger. "Cabin boy! Ye will get lashes for that!" He yelled.
Cordelia knew she had messed up greatly. That she had been a bad pirate. And she knew that for now on she wanted to be a good pirate.
So Cordelia knew what she had to do. She looked at the water, a trace of fear made her hesitate, but just as quickly as it came, it went away.
And being The Brave that she was. She jumped off that pirate ship.

She was Brave.


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