// New Wolf

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Anoixi ( an-ox-e)

I hear a ringing next to me. I held my hand out to it and realize it's my phone. I open my eyes a little still having then squinting and see a name on my phone. Holly crap. I realize who it is. It's my father. I also realize what time it is. Dam it, I over slept! I get up my bed and rush to the bathroom. I then start to multicast on my morning routine. I'm technically brushing my teeth, putting on my shoe, answering the phone, and feeding the cats, all at the same time. Finally I finish and head out the door. I pat my self down and realize....I don't have the keys of the house. I run back inside, get the keys, run out, lock the door, and zoom out.

My dad and I own a hair salon. My dad can do hair better than any woman can. He only has me and since my mother died when I was born, he had to learn how to care for me, like do my hair, dress me up, and know how to play princesses. My dad never really wanted to get himself another girlfriend because he thinks I would get mad, but the truth is, I want him to a girlfriend. I know my mom pretty well even though I've never met her. My dad talks about her all the time, he even says I look like her. I've never seen a picture of her though.

I'm 17. I work with my dad in the hair salon and can do hair very well. Not as well as my dad though. I arrive the hair salon and see so many people here already. I put my bag down on the counter and get an apren. I call up the next lady waiting and start washing her hair. After 3 hours or so, we've have dealt with everyone who came in. I see my dad at the counter counting the money we earned today. He see's me staring and singles me to come up. I really didn't mean to stare. " What's up dad." I say as I lean on the counter.

" Here." he hands me like about $50. " Wait. Dad! I can't except this! Use it to pay bills or something." I panic and reject the money. I'm not the person who gets money from people I know needs it. My dad has been saving up for a new truck and I really don't need anything. " Sweety take it. You've helped me every single day during you summer break. You haven't taken some time to have fun." My dad hands out the money again. I look at him again, but slowly take the money. I look at it. I really don't want it. Then I get an idea.

" Fine I'll take it, but only to buy you something to eat and groceries for tonights dinner." My dad sighs and shakes his head. I know he wants me to buy myself something like clothes or something, so to make him feel better, I was planning on buying myself a new Werewolf V.S Vampire book. Volume 6. " Ok, I'll buy myself volume 6 of Werewolf V.S Vampires." I see a smile on my dads face. I get my bag and wave to him as I leave the salon. I go to a market that was also near a book store I always go to. I'm a real book worm when it comes to fantasy things.

I enter the store and get ingredients for my dad. I can't cook. Only bacon and eggs. My dad did say he'll teach me, 5 years ago. I pay for the food and then go to the book store. " Hi Margie." I place the food on the counter. Margie owns the book store. She looks at the bags of food and licks her lips. " Is this for me?" she said. I giggle a little at her obsession over food. " Nope, but I'll give you a cookie if you see if you have volume 6 of Werewolf V.S Vampires." Margie looks at me with a straight face and sighs. She goes on the computer to check if the book is in.

After a few minutes, Margie looks at me. She looked sad, so I knew something was wrong. " Sorry An, but it looks like we need to oder some more books." I felt like my life has ended. " How long does it take for the shipment to come!" I panicked. Margie then looks at the computer again. I then see a smile on her face. Maybe there is a little hope. She gets a sticky note and writes what looks like a date and time. She then sticks her hand out with the note in my face.

" Come June 4th at 7:30 am. There will be a small book fair and the author of your book will be giving volumes 6-10." I yelled or more like yelp like a puppy.  I jump around all excitedly. June was literally next month. I then almost jump over the counter and huge Margie. Margie chuckled and I get the bags and hurried home to place them down. I rush out the book store and run home. Once I was home, I put the bags down to unlock the door. Then I hear a shot. I turn around quickly obviously scared for my life. It was a real gun shot. I would go to see what it was, but I'm not going to be like those dumb girls that die 10 minutes in a movie because she was murdered by a jackass.

I open the door as fast as I could, grabbed the bags, and went inside. I then locked the door and called my dad. " Hello." I finally hear my father's voice from the other side of the phone. " I-I heard a gun shot near o-our house." I managed to say. I can feel myself shaking. I never felt this scare in my entire life. I could also hear my dad panicking on the other side of phone. " Ok, I'll go close up early today and go home. What ever you do, don't open the door for anyone and stay inside your room." I nod, but realize he can't see me so I say yes. I hang up and go to my room.

I close the door and call Margie. I can hear the ringing, but she didn't pick up. I hope she was ok. The shot seem to be near the market and book store. I was probably from the woods in front. I sat on my bed and tried to call Margie again, but she didn't answer. I get up from bed and start walking back and forth. When is my dad coming home. He said he would be here. Then I hear a slight whimper. I open the door to my bedroom and hear it again. I look around to see and empty room with furniture. I walk into the living room and hear the whimper. It was starting to get annoying, but at the same time I was scared. Maybe it's one of our cats...we got like 3.

Until I see our cats laying on the couch. Ok...this was getting weird and creepy at the same time. Are we being hunted by a dog or something. Then i hear it again. This time I put my head in the direction of the back door. It was coming from outside, but dad said NOT to go outside. I guess I am the girl who dies 10 minutes in of a movie. I open the back door and what surprises me is a brown huge husky?...no...wolf. It looked at me with those silver blue eyes. It's fur looked soft and clean...too clean. I kinda panic because it's a wolf! I then see something red on his leg...oh wait...that was blood. I panic even more. I run inside and get the first aid kit. I take out bandages and go back to the wolf.

I slowly get close to him, but he doesn't seem to do anything. I finally touch him. His fur is soft, like touching a cloud. I get his leg slowly. He growls, but I know it's in pain. I see that the blood goes through the bandage, but I can't just keep wrapping his leg in it so I get up and open the door wide open. The wolf looks at me confused. I then pat my lap. " Come on. Come in side. You'll be safe in here." I know the wolf wasn't going to come in, so I was prepare to lift him up. But by my surprise, he got up and limped inside. I looked around before closing the door and went inside.

I pat the couch and the wolf get on. He see's the cats, but doesn't do anything which is good. I don't need a big wolf running around the house chasing cats. I get a bowl from on of the cats and put water in it. Then I give it to him. " What happened to you?" the wolf looks up and whimpers. I feel bad and hug him. I actually did it because I wanted to feel his soft fur. He puts his head on back and I feel extremely comfortable. Then I feel my eyes dropping. I don't feel like getting up. I feel safe on him. Like I've always knew him.
I slowly wake up and feel something hard and not soft like last night. I get up fast realizing I'm on my bed. I rush out my bedroom door. Then I see my dad and the wolf. " Oh morning sweetie. I see you bought something more than food." I see the wolf sitting in front of my dad wagging his tail. I walk up and pet him on the head. " Um, no, I saw him on our door step in the back yard. He had an injured leg so I took him inside." I get a piece of toast and give a piece to the wolf. " Dad can we keep him." My dad looks up from his phone. He smiled, but not a smile of acceptance, more like are you sure? I knew my dad well, he was going to say yes, but first warn me of the big responsibilities that come in taking care of a wolf. Not even a dog.

My dad shook his head with a chuckle. " Fine, but under on condition." I jump from out of my seat. " Yeah what ever it is!" I was worry about what the condition was, but I really wanted to keep him. He made me feel safer than my own house. " I will be paying you to buy his food, so that means you have to work for his needs, including vet shots. I'm not paying for anything." It hurt me that I would have to work for my money, but it was fair. My dad does enough to support me. I should give him a break and not have to deal with me and my pet. I nod in agreement and look at my new best friend. He looks up at me with what I think looked like a grin. Was he smiling at me? I really didn't care. All that matters is that I can keep him.
* Hope you enjoyed the story. Go check out my other book Experimental Agents. I've gotten farther than this one. Byeee!!*


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