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     AN HOUR INTO THEIR TRAVEL, Juliette's patience snapped like a thin piece of string, and could not help but ask Nozel her question repeated for the 26th time of the day, "Nozel, what are we doing this far out of the Capital?"

     Of course, she trusted her fiancé. After all, Nozel was not the type to purposely do something silly that would place them in harm. But from the look on his face as they departed the carriage they rode; she was not so sure anymore.

     "Quiet will you," he shushed. "I'm trying to get us away from the guards."

     The young lady raised a brow, "And why exactly are we trying to get away from our guards?"

     Nozel drew in a long breath before answering, "Because Fuegoleon and I will get in trouble."

     "What? Fuegoleon's here? Where—" before Juliette could ask yet again another question, Nozel pulled her into a nearby bush that hid their bodies from plain sight.

     The sudden disappearance of the noble pair alerted the guards and went somewhere else to look for them

     Juliette, frustrated, rubbed her temples. "Now will you tell me what's up?"

     "To cut the story short, Fuegoleon and I went here to look for a certain gemstone. Unfortunately, Fuegoleon also went missing like his necklace because we all know he's dumb."

     "He's what!?" Juliette questioned as she suddenly held both of Nozel's shoulders. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid boys!'

     His story was not a lie, but it wasn't entirely true either. Fuegoleon and Nozel did indeed went to into the dense thicket of trees to retrieve Fuegoleon's necklace. The lie in Nozel's story, however, was that the young Royals both got lost and Nozel was fortunate to have found the way back.

     He would never admit being lost in the forest to his fiancé after bragging about his great sense of direction not too long ago. His pride simply would never allow it.

     Young lady Solace scratched her head, "Why didn't you look for him?"

     "And get lost as well? No thank you." he answered defensively and she, in turn, sighed.


     "How long has Fuegoleon been missing? Surely it hasn't been a day, or else the Royal Capital would be in a frenzy having search patrols everywhere."

     "That's the point." Nozel stressed, his brows creasing ever so slightly, "if I looked for him as well, no one would have returned and the Capital would be in a greater fuss."

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