Chapter 8 (NATE)

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^ because she wrote most of this chapter :)

I love you :D


Chapter 8 Nate POV

I’m late. This was the first thought that crossed my mind as I got into my car. I had just got off work and had to go pick up Rosa-Lynn, which I should have been doing ten minutes ago. It was my first day at work, since I had just moved into town, and my boss had kept me longer than necessary to explain my job.

As I sped to my daughter’s school I let my thoughts wander. Of course they ended up on Tate, how I had left her and hurt her. I hadn’t seen her since my wedding day and even then all I saw was tears in her eyes. I wondered where she was now, what she was doing, whether or not she had gotten her dream job, if she had settled down with someone. That’s when I stopped thinking, not wanting to even think about it, even though it had most likely happened. OK STOP! No more thinking about Tate.

That’s when I realized that I had reached the school and quickly got out of the car, hoping that I wasn’t too late. I quickly rushed to Lynn’s classroom, already planning out a way to make it up to her; it was her first day after all.

As I opened the door I stopped dead in my tracks.

Impossible. This … can’t be happening. Am I dreaming? These were the thoughts that crossed my mind as a stared into the face of my childhood best friend, Tate; the one girl who had meant the most to me and the one who I had hurt the most.

And then she spoke. "Hi Nate" I vaguely heard her say, since my mind was still reeling on the chances of this happening.

Of course to avoid looking like an idiot I decided to actually say something. "Tate..." I started, trying to smile. But she cut me off.

"Jessa. My name is Jessa- Lynn.”, she said in an unbearable cold voice. She had stopped me from calling her Tate and I felt like I had been slapped in the face. It took all I had in me not to punch myself in the face when I realized how much damage my stupidity had done.

"Y-yeah, of course, sorry" I replied lamely, trying to cover up the hurt in my voice. My brain had finally begun to process what was happening and I realized that Tate was my daughter's teacher, which meant, "So, um, I see you got your dream job."

For a second she looked shocked. Hmmm… she didn't think I remembered.

Then she quickly composed herself and continued. "Yeah... I see you got yourself a family."

For a second I didn't know what to say, and then hoping to clear her misunderstanding, I started, "Well actually I..." but was again cut off, but this time it wasn't by Ta-Jessa.

"Hey babe" a guy who had just walked in and wrapped his arms around her said and I had to clench my fist when I realized who he most likely was. He smelt of alcohol and looked drunk and I couldn't help but glare at him.

He continued to speak anyway. "Hi, I’m Jaake, Jess' boyfriend of thrrree years" he slurred, with his had outstretched. I ignored it not wanting to touch him, because I probably wouldn't be able to stop myself from punching him. So what I had assumed was right.

I turned my attention to Jessa, and questioned her, “You’ve had a boyfriend for three years?" trying my hardest to hide the jealousy and hurt from my voice.

"Yeah I…" she started quickly but was cut off just as fast by Jake. Great so clearly he doesn't value her opinion. 

"Yep, besst girlfriend eveerr" he slurred. Man he was such a prick. I could already tell by the way he was acting that he thought he owned Jessa.

I couldn't stop myself and turned to Jessa, while giving Jake a look of utter disgust. "A drunk, really Ta-Jessalynn!"

She just glared back and responded “A slut, really Nate." Okay I couldn't argue with that she had a point. So instead I looked down not arguing or trying to defend her, because I knew Jess was right.

"Go Jake. I'm coming", she told him and then turned back to me.

"I'm sorry, more than you know" I said weakly knowing that my lame apology wasn't enough, no apology would ever be enough.

"Yeah, it's a little late for that now. Maybe you should've let me know when u decided to leave me." she said softly.

Now I was even more ashamed of myself. “How! I can't believe I was so blinded by that b- her" I replied, while quickly stopping myself from swearing around my daughter.

Now she looked confused and voiced most likely part of what she was thinking. "What? You know you're talking about your wife right?"

"Well I…" I started again, hoping to explain the truth, but was again interrupted by none other than Jake.

"Hey JESSA! Hurry the f*ck up! The boys are over" he yelled. Man I wanted to kill him and I barely knew him yet. She shot me an apologetic smile and quickly left the classroom.

God I hated Jake. I could already tell that he was a complete idiot and surely didn't deserve someone as great as Jessalynn. I honestly couldn't see what she saw in him.

I felt a light tugging on my hand and realized that Lynn was still standing here waiting for me to take her home.

She looked up at me with a curios gaze and asked "Daddy, you know Miss Tate?" I didn't know what to say so I just smiled weakly and told her that Jessa was an old friend.

Then I quickly scooped her up into my arms and carried her out to my car, while apologizing to her for being late and driving her to the nearest ice cream shop to make it up to her. The smile on her face was priceless. Just looking at her, I realized how much easier everything had been when I was younger and how easy it had been back then to bring a smile like that on Jessa's face.

“Daddy, it’s melting!” Rosa-Lynn screamed at me after I got her the cotton candy ice cream she wanted.

“Well then you better lick right up!” I smiled at her.

I got up to throw away my now empty cup of ice cream. Accidently, I bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry,” I told her grabbing her waist to keep her from falling.

She looked up at me with her blue eyes, “I-it’s okay. My name is Sarah.”

I smiled, “Nate”.

She opened her mouth to say something when she was interrupted.

“Daddy, my clothes,” Rosa whined.

Looking at her, I started to laugh. She had purple-pink colour all over her face along with some of her shirt. The little ice cream that she actually had left in the cone was now on her lap.

“You’re her dad?” Sarah asked with an expression I am all too familiar with.

“Yeah, this is my baby, Rosa-Lynn.” I told her.

“You’re married!” she exclaimed.

I gave her a dark look. “NO!” I barked at her.

After cleaning Rosa and her clothes, we went back home. Well our new home, which we had only bought a few days ago. As I was pulling into the driveway, I noticed a woman struggling to get her bags out of a car. I let Lynn into the house and told her take her little tushie right up to the bathroom so I can give her a shower. Then, I went to see if I could be of any help next door.

As I walked towards her, I began to realize who she was. What are the chances! I went and stood behind her and pulled the suitcase out of the car for her.

“Don’t worry about it, I can do this. I swear Lisa’s just lazy.” She said as she turned around, her expression changing from happiness at being helped to shock and confusion upon seeing me.


:) -grey

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