Epilogue - Broken

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I sit by the window of the train, looking at my reflection in the darkened glass, as the sun begins to set outside. Compared to it being about three in the afternoon when I cleared the bushland, I glance at the lock screen on my phone and see that it's now about 5pm. I put the black piece of technology back in my pocket, as I exhale a sigh.

I realise that it is rapidly approaching the month of February, and that means that there's less than four months to go until my birthday, in May. He'll be fifteen before I will, a small voice whispers in my mind, before a mumbled announcement comes over the PA, announcing the next station over the quiet murmurs and snores of the passengers. Shut up, I think in return, wondering how crazy I must be to be having a conversation with myself, even mentally. Opening my bag a tiny bit, I check that my Quill belt is still there; thankfully, it is.

I decide to ignore it for the moment; my cousin's house is the stop after, and just across the road from the station there. But, in ignoring the announcements, it brings back the sharp feeling of loneliness that has bothered me all afternoon. I still can't believe that I left them; The Crime Lords are - were - the closest thing I had to a family, during that time. And now I'd left them, for an uncertain hunch.

Which would, if I was right, lead to finding the real reason behind my mother's death. I sigh, and study my face in the glass window, for real this time, only half-registering the towns that go past. My blonde hair has grown again, and darkened slightly in colour. I notice this as I pull a strand near my face to inspect. The smile that I used to give so freely is now limited to a slight curve of my lips when I do feel like giving the expression, despite the good moods that I have been in at times, lately. My acne isn't, surprisingly, as bad as it used to be, but there's an annoying little whitehead on the side of my nose. I have a scar over my left temple from when Cat Girl clawed me, which doesn't hurt much anymore, but the memory still makes me shiver. And the bullet wound is now a scar as well, an awful memory, which aches only occasionally nowadays. But I look older. And I am, too; I was with the Crime Lords for almost half a year, including the time I spent recovering from my time captured. It occurs to me in that moment as well that I'm almost fifteen.

A silent tear slips down my cheek as I look down, and raise a hand to touch the necklace that rests just under my collarbone. Get a grip. It's been less than twelve hours since you've seen them, so pull it together and stop crying. Before I can think anymore, however, I hear my stop called out. I step off the train a moment later, dashing the tear away as I shift my backpack on my shoulders; I will not become a crying mess now. Not just yet, anyway. I'll probably save that honour for when I'm alone and trying to sleep. My backpack is lighter than when I left the base, since I drank the water and have eaten a packet of noodles.

"Estella!" I start at the sound of my name, and whirl to see two familiar faces. My thirteen-year-old cousin, Ruby, and her fourteen-year-old half sister Thea, run over and crush me in a hug, backpack and all. "It's been ages! You disappeared for ages, I thought you'd died!" I almost did, I think to myself in dry amusement, hugging them back. "It's good to see you both again, I've missed you guys."

Thea grins at me, her violet eyes wide and her expression excited as she stands back. She seems to be searching my face, and she says, "Wow. You've changed, cuz. You never used to look this serious, even when Auntie Liz died."

I laugh quietly at her theatrics, my right arm still around Ruby's shoulders, and yawn. A fake yawn, but my cousins seem concerned. "Alrighty you pair, I'm exhausted and sore. Can we go home now?" I ask, and it is Thea who replies.

"Of course," the dark-haired girl smiles, oblivious to my inner turmoil as she pulls her sister off me, and grabs my hand. "Let's go."



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