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Though it might seem like it, I'm not crazy. Traumatised and freaking about every little thing that coule possibly go wrong, yes, but not crazy. The reason why is simple; my world hasn't ever been "normal". I grew up with my sister Rhea and father Anthony, after my mother Elizabeth and brother Reubin were murdered when I was only a kid.

Our world is in pieces, and though the police will try their damnedest to stop them, gangs of teenage criminals with strange talents roam the country and generally wreak havoc. Up until I was thirteen and I found an old friend, I didn't think for even a moment that I would be a part of this shenanigans. The cities still stand, patrolled in its usual way by authorities but home to criminals who murder and steal without batting an eyelid.

I don't live near a city, but about five minutes from the nearest town. If you aren't rich in these times like my family is, you can either live in the crime-riddled suburbs, or find solace in the bushland that seems to be everywhere in Australia. My house is surrounded by bushland, except for the large factory that my father runs. There are still so many places I haven't been that I want to go to. With a bit of hope, Harley, Thea, and Ruby, and everyone else that will show up and make things complicated for me, will be along for the ride.

My name is Estella Stone. I am Raven.

And this is the story of how I managed to fly.

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