Chapter Six - Duel

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Don't kill her? God, what are these people on?

After MadMex speaks, Harley steps forward, grinning in that semi-psychopathic way of his. I'm going to die, I think in a split second of panic. My best friend is going to fucking kill me. It must have shown in my expression for a split second, because the scary grin becomes a slightly more reassuring one, before reverting back to its normal way.  Harley flips his gun, loading it with a snap, and I try to appear politely absent.

"I thought we were fighting hand-to-hand?" I ask, confused again. Harley glances at his leader quickly, who shrugs. As if that was some signal, my opponent puts his gun in the outstretched hand of the redheaded girl, whose hair I realise isn't really red. It's more of an auburn-gold.

"Fine. Hand-to-hand it is. Ready?" Harley says, and I realise all of a sudden that the last part is directed at me.

I nod, steeling myself. "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Begin." MadMex's voice cuts across the muttered conversation between the mallet girl and the boy in green. I make a quick mental note to ask their names after the match, but Harley starting to move snaps me back to reality.

He takes an experimental step to his left, and I mirror his action, feeling my eyes narrow a little in concentration. This will be interesting. Impatient suddenly, Harley lunges with a swift punch with his left hand, but I manage to knock his fist aside with my own left.

Why the hell is he using his weak hand? I think, still awaiting his next attack after a moment or so, dropping into a crouch to spread my weight. By now, I've had enough, and I suddenly shift my balance onto by back foot, kicking my right foot up towards his stomach. A risky move, I know. But, for some reason, it works, if only for a moment. Harley doubles over, winded, but recovers with astonishing speed if you don't know him. I begin to focus purely on the fight, tuning out the other people in the tree house as we clash. You can't afford to lose focus, an inner voice says in my mind. This is a very dangerous enemy, even though he is your friend.

Time passes quickly, with neither of us making much headway, palm blocking fist, knee stopping foot, with little progress on either side of favour. I begin to fall into a rhythm, before I get an idea.

As I raise my left arm to block the taller boy's latest blow, I feint with my right fist, and as he moves to block the punch, I drop into a crouch, attempting to scythe his legs from under him. As Harley falls, I stand up, but he kicks out with one foot and knocks me over as well. I can't help but laugh- a short, breathy huff of amusement, as I roll into a crouch and balance easily with one leg out to the side.

"Okay, enough," a voice says a split second later, startling me from strategising. As I jump, I glance up at the clock on the wall, feeling surprise when I see that an hour has passed since our duel began. That... Shouldn't have been possible. The sky outside, though dark before, has become overcast and rainy. Good, I like the rain. I climb to my feet, dusting off my jeans, and can't help but smile again as I nod at Harley in a friendly manner.

"I have to say, you're the best I've fought hand-to-hand that I can recall. You actually challenged me," my friend laughs, getting to his feet in one swift, almost fluid movement.

I look at MadMex for a verdict, raising one eyebrow in a questioning manner. "Well?"

The brown-eyed boy nods once, expression blank. Not that I was expecting much else. "Okay, you're in. If you've got your stuff, put it down in the ... third room to your right. Have fun."

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