My phone dings and I grab it. It's him.

Raegan: Sorry I was talking to a friend babe.

So now he's going to lie. What the fuck is wrong with him? Im not answering. If he's going to be a lying, cheating, asshole, I'll let him.

I want to be more mad than I am. I'm just upset and feel broken. He was everything to me. What happened to that? I thought what we had was good. I thought he loved me. I thought he cared.

Raegan: Baby? Are you sleep?

I am now.

[2 am]

"Justin?" I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Raegan hunched over beside my bed.

"I'm back baby." He says quietly walking away from my bed and takes off his shirt. I rub my eyes and stand up. He gets changed for bed and smiles at me. I shake my head.

"How could you do that to me?" I ask. I feel tears already threatening to escape my eyes just asking that one question. I still see it in my head.

"What do you mean?" He asks. The lights are off so I can't really see him good. He walks over and turns the lights on. I continue to stare at him with tears in my eyes.

"Baby?" He walks closer to me.

"No!" I snap. He stops and his eyes widen. "You weren't even going to tell me? Like you don't even feel bad for what you did?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Raegan!" I raise my voice not really caring that mom is asleep.

"I-i don't-"

"You were just going to pretend like it didn't happen? Like since you thought I didn't see it it didn't matter? Well yes I did see it Raegan." I speak loudly not being able to control it. I'm mad and upset I don't know what to do.

"Justin just tell me what you are saying." He says, his voice cracking a bit.

"I went to the party to make sure you were okay because you weren't answering my texts. And I go to see you making out with Brooke. What the fuck? And you weren't going to tell me!"

"Y-you saw that?" He asks.

"Yes I did. And now I know you still love her and you clearly never gave a shit about me or even loved me."

"Baby don't say that, I do still love you." He says. I shake my head and can't help it anymore. I start to sob as I sit back on my bed.

"No you don't. Why would you kiss her then? Am I not good enough for you?" I look up and see tears falling from his eyes and he stands next to my bed.

"I-i guess I just got too caught up." He says.

"Kissing your ex? No Raegan that's not getting too caught up....I thought you loved me."

"I do love you!" He says quickly. I stand back up.

"Clearly you don't because if you did, you wouldn't have done what did. And you wouldn't try to keep it from me." I say. "Get out."

"Justin please babe."

"Dammit Raegan stop calling me that." I snap again getting closer to him. His breathing hitches.

"Get out." I say as clearly as possible.

"Please don't do this Justin. I do love you, I always have. I'm so sorry." He says.

"No you don't, you love Brooke. I wish I never loved you Raegan." As I say that he starts to cry and covers his mouth. He shuts his eyes right tears still steaming down his face. I shouldn't have said that.

We both look quickly to see my door opening. My mom comes into view and looks at me. She can see how upset and angry I am.

"Raegan I think you should go." She says looking at him now. He turns around to face me.

"Please." He cries. "Don't do this Justin. I love you so fucking much, I can't explain how sorry I am." He says quietly looking into my eyes. Us both crying doesn't help this.

"I love you Rae. But you cheated on me and if you can't tell already, you broke my heart." I say walking backwards away from him. I sit on my bed and try to stop myself from crying.

"Justin you are everything to me. Please can I explain everything?"

"T-there is nothing to explain." I stutter.

"Get all your stuff and get the fuck out of my house. I'm done." I say.


"Raegan." My mom says cutting him off. "You've done enough. Get your stuff." She says.

I sit there silently crying as I watch him get all of his clothes and put them into his backpack. His shoes are downstairs so that's all he needs from in my room. He puts his bag on my bed and quickly gets close to me. He leans down and kisses me softly. I kiss back not thinking of the fact he cheated on me. But he did.

I abruptly pull away and back up on my bed. He stares at me.

"I'm so sorry." He shakes his head. "Don't say this is the end."

"Sadly it is. I'm done Rae." I wipe my face from tears. "Now get out." I add.

He turns around and walks towards my mom. She nods at him and they start to walk out.

"I love you Justin." He says glancing at me and waits for a second. I don't say anything. He walks away quickly and my mom shuts off my light.

My door closes and I lay back down. That just happened. I ended it with the boy I love. He can't say he loves me. He cheated. He got too "caught up" I'm sorry but I call bullshit on that. He must still have feelings for her, so he doesn't love me.

He doesn't love me....?

Here ya go...classic Jaegan story. Someone cheats 😳 What's going to happen? Hope you enjoyed 😅❤️

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