The Vytal Tournament

Start from the beginning

I stopped my search at the arena, as I noticed Yang was now going into her match. It was against Mercury. I was surprised to see he made it this far. I figured Emerald would be a better choice. I had a hunch on what her semblance was but wasn't 100% sure about it. 

After I witnessed her and Mercury's fight against Yatsuhashi and Coco, I assumed she had some sort of mental manipulation semblance. As for me, my fight was scheduled for after Yang's fight. Since I didn't have a team, I had to fight alone. Fortunately, there was a good number of teams participating, meaning one would have to fight me. 

I started watching Yang's fight. As it went on, I realized Mercury had some sort of gauntlets on his legs or boots, since he was shooting Yang back with them. He kept attacking her, forcing her back before he used some weird attack that sent a bunch of homing... missiles? Something at her. After knocking her down, they all came down on her. 

Mercury, being cocky, started acting like he'd won, brushing off his shoulders for a moment before the smoke around Yang cleared with fire taking its place. Yang rushed him, hitting him with a flurry of attacks before smashing him into the ground as his aura was depleted.

I smirked as Mercury was beaten. The announcer started to comment on Yang's victory, but my spider-sense went off like crazy. It was way stronger than the other times. I was drawn to Emerald, as I saw her smirking while her Aura seemed to radiate. Then, a collective gasp from the audience brought me back to the arena, where Yang had punched Mercury's leg backward.

I cringed slightly at the sight but realized what was going on. I looked back at Emerald as she ran into the arena. She had a worried look on her face, but I knew it was fake. My suspicions were correct. Emerald's semblance was mental manipulation. My spider-sense had been trying to warn me all day. As soldiers began to surround Yang, I swung in and web-grabbed Emerald, causing her to drop Mercury.

Soldier: Stand down!

I didn't listen as I pulled Emerald to me. As she got closer, I began to form Venom around me in his large beast form. She grew more and more scared as I dragged her to me. I picked her up and glared at her.

Y/N: We don't like liars. You will admit what you've done to ussss. Or we will make you feel a new definition of pain.

Emerald just shook before I heard a laugh. It was insane and very familiar. I looked behind me and up to see the goblin ride down and shoot at me. I threw Emerald aside and webbed her tightly to a wall. I then jumped at the goblin as I tried to grab his glider. I barely missed and tried to web shoot him, only to miss again.

Soldier: What the hell was that!?

I turned back to normal size and shifted my suit to my red and blue one as I turned to the soldiers.

Y/N: Leave her, you've been deceived.

Soldier: What? You think we're taking orders from you?

Y/N: We don't have time for this! You'll give me the girl, or I'll take her another way!

???: Listen to him.

We all turned to the voice, seeing Ozpin standing there with Goodwitch.

Ozpin: I'd trust Spider-Man on this one.

Yang was let go and ran over to me.

Yang: Thank you... I don't-

Y/N: Don't worry, I could see through the illusion. 

I turned to where Emerald was webbed up, to see her struggling to escape.

Y/N: Now, to ask a few questions.

As I began walking over to Emerald, an alarm went off. 

PA: Warning, incoming Grimm attack. Threat level 9.

People started running around in a panic. I looked at Emerald again. I glared at her through my mask. I noticed she still looked scared and her eyes widened as I heard a bang above us. I looked up to see a Griffon Grimm attacking the barrier now up on the stadium. I turned to Emerald and ripped her out of the webbing. I held her up by the neck.

Y/N: I know you had a hand in this! Who's in charge!?

Emerald: ...You'll never know!

Then, a glass arrow of sorts pierced her chest. My eyes widened in shock as she quickly died in my grasp. I put her down and closed her eyes. Kneeling at her body for a moment, I got up and looked back at the Griffon as it broke the barrier.

Y/N: I'll find who did this. And when I do...

Venom formed itself over my suit as we spoke.


A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! So now the fall of Beacon is beginning. Since Pyrrha didn't kill Penny, I had to kill off someone else. So Emerald died instead. I'm sure you can guess why.

Yami: I don't really get it.

A/N: It's to keep her quiet. A sure way to keep someone quiet is too kill them. Anyways, it's late and I'm tired, so I'll close it up here. Next chapter, the last chapter, we see the fall of Beacon go through. I'll focus on you as you fight Green Goblin.

Yami: What about Adam? How's Yang gonna lose an arm now?

A/N: Well... you'll just have to wait and find out... Next time! Signing off!

- Iain

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