Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

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Hey guys! First chapter and I just saw Spider-Man Homecoming! Sooo awesome! But before I begin, I just wanna let you know that I'm still new and haven't really figured everything out yet so bare with me!

Ruby's POV

 Professor Ozpin had called us to his office a few minutes ago to tell us about our new mission. We had to go find Roman Torchwic in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Vale. We had just arrived at the warehouse when we saw two guards, knocked out and tied up to a lamp post. 

Yang: Are they supposed to be there?

Weiss: No you dolt! Someone's already been here!

Blake: Let's get inside and see if this mystery person is still here.

Ruby: Ok. Let's go in through that window up there.

I pointed at an open window that lead into the warehouse. If it was open, then someone got in which meant we could get in too.

Timeskip 5 minutes

After we climbed through the window, we walked along the catwalk trying to be as quiet as we could. However when we got to the big open area of the warehouse, we saw Roman, Neo, and some White Fang thugs all tied up like the guards outside, but they had their mouths shut by something and were blindfolded. When we got up close we saw a letter on Roman, who was unconscious. It read...

I guess ice cream is on the menu in prison now. Have fun with quiet girl and top hat!

- Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Weiss: Spider-Man? I've heard that name before, but where?

Yang: I think he's that new hero guy that shoots webs and sticks to walls.

Ruby: He's so cool! He took down Roman and Neo alone! We couldn't even take them down all together! I wonder how he does it...

Blake: Well, we should call Ozpin and tell him what happened. Maybe he'll know something about this... 'Spider-Man'.

Timeskip to Ozpin's Office

Ruby: Hey Professor Ozpin! We're back!

Ozpin: Ah! Welcome back girls! How was the mission?

We explain to Ozpin how we found Roman and Neo tied up with some White Fangs guys and about the note.

Ozpin: Spider-Man? Oh, yes I remember now. He's that guy that's swinging around Vale right?

Weiss: Yes, and we thought that you would be able to help us find out who he is.

Ozpin: I'm sorry to say, but for once I don't know anything about this, Spider-Man.

Yang: Then should we try and find him?

Ruby: Yeah! Maybe we can get him to join Beacon!

Ozpin: That sounds like an excellent plan. If you can find him, bring him here. Oh and one more thing...

Suddenly, a boy around our age walks into the room. He looks at us confused and then walks up to Ozpin.

???: Hello professor... Am I interrupting something? I can come back later-

Ozpin: No, I was just about to mention you. Please, have a seat.

The boy sits down and Ozpin continues from where he was.

Ozpin: Girls, this is Y/N, he's a new student here. He was inducted similarly to you Ruby.

Ruby: What?

Weiss: He means he was let in under special circumstances.

Ruby: Ohhhh.

Ozpin: Y/N has an intriguing skill set... along with multiple semblances.


Y/N: Yeah, I have a sixth sense and increased agility just to name a few...

Ruby: What kind of weapon do you use then!?

Y/N: Uh, well... I don't quite have one yet. Because of my enhanced strength, I just fight hand to hand.

Blake: How did you get into Beacon without a weapon

Ozpin: Well, Y/N here has something we don't... friends with connections... to everything.

Yang: Everything? Like the bad guys?

Y/N: Everything as in, Everything in existence. It's a long story, for another time. So why did you call me up here in the first place sir?

Ozpin: Please just call me Ozpin. And I called you here to tell you that you will be staying with team RWBY here while attending Beacon.

Blake: But Professor, we don't have the room for a fifth person to stay. Where will he sleep?

Y/N: I wouldn't worry about that. I Sleep in the forest with the Grimm. Have been all my life.

Ruby: The Grimm!? But how!? Don't they attack you!?

Y/N: Attack me? No, no! They saved me as a kid from a huge storm! I owe them my life. They made a place for me to stay just behind the academy. I've lived there all my life.

Y/N tells us about how he was abandoned as a kid and a huge storm washed him into the forest where the Grimm found him and raised him as the ultimate fighter. The whole time, the team and I just stood and listened in amazement and shock as he says how compassionate the Grimm can bee if given a chance.

Weiss: I... Don't believe it... Grimm, raising a human to be able to survive the real world...

Ozpin: It was this that caused me to bring him into Beacon. His ability to communicate with the Grimm and handle those sorts of situations peacefully makes him likely to be one of the most powerful Hunters that the World has ever seen.


Telling these people my story seemed weird... why did I tell them all that? I barley knew them. Not to mention that by talking about my 'semblance' did I put my secret at risk. Maybe I should tell them... No! that's dumb! I'd be putting my last real family at risk. They can't know that I'm Spider-Man.


Yay! First chapter done! I hope it was okay. Please tell me who should get paired up with Y/N.







Please give me some feed back and vote this story. I will be making more chapters very soon, and I look forward to that. Signing out!


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