10. The accident [part 2]

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Thomas lifted his head and looked at the brunette. He smiled lightly at her concern and nodded, finally accepting that they were all right and that he truly needed a break.

Even if he did feel like he needed a break, the feeling that it would be all his fault if Dylan's position got worse or maybe even died never left Thomas body.

"You know... I'm really amazed about how you love my brother that much. As friends whatever but like, not even I can support him that much. How do you do that?" Julia looked at Thomas who smiled at that remark. "I don't know."

"To be honest I really don't know. Like I know Dylan for almost 3 years but still. When he came up to me being nervous my heart somehow warmed up to see that I'd work with people that liked and appreciated my work. And then when I saw Dylan work I was really impressed. He's definitely one of my favorite actors and-" Thomas couldn't finish his speech because he got shut down with a female voice interrupting him, "That's not what I want to know Thomas!"

Thomas looked at the other O'Brien with a lifted eyebrow. "Look, forget about the work. Just tell me why Dylan."

Thomas went quiet some time before he could even know the answer. He had never really thought about why he really liked Dylan that much. Was there even an actual reason? All Thomas knew was that he just did. The world with him was easy, talking was easy too, messing around too.

The Brit didn't really know what he should answer. He repeated to himself always several times a day why he actually kept up with that silly American but he never remembered.

"I...I don't know... I guess it just... fit." Thomas said, putting his hands in his own jeans pockets feeling quite uncomfortable about how stupid and useless his answer was.
Later that day Thomas was with Dylan's mom in the room. The young mom was holding her sons hand, laying her head on the bedsheets, hiding her tears and sadness.

Thomas knew that it wasn't easy for the young woman. She was going trough a lot and Thomas had never seen so many tears as the ones she let go of the last few days. She kept saying that she was sorry, that she missed him and that she wanted to hold him again, say how proud she is of him and kiss his forehead.

When Thomas saw the woman break down for the very first time he felt very uncomfortable, not knowing what to do, yet he pulled himself together and was there for the woman. It wasn't for him, but for Dylan.

He wanted to make sure his mom would be okay and not break down or fall in depression because of her own kid. Thomas knew, that if that would happen, Dylan would be even more devastated. So Thomas made sure, that Dylan's mom never went too far, never gave up.

"Are you feeling alright?" the blonde asked, looking at the woman that lifted her head for the first time since a long amount of time.

She nodded before looking at the young boy and smiling lightly, "He's so strong."

Thomas smiled at these words. The older woman was truly truly right. Dylan was insanely strong but not only that, he was also beautiful, caring, authentic. Thomas loved everything about the American and seeing him so close of losing it all, made him love him even more.

A lot of people only realised how much they actually had when they were on the cliff of losing it or even already let go of it. And Thomas was one of these people. Sure he knew that Dylan was precious and important but he never really cared on showing it out loud. He never really cared on doing anything about it at all.

When he met Dylan he found something he didn't do in long. He really hold onto it, he didn't want to lose it but if it eventually would go away one day, Thomas wouldn't mind fighting for it. But this here was different. It wasn't taken away from him because of a fight, misunderstanding or even stupidity but it was taken away from Thomas out of complete injustice. And that hurt the Brit.

All he wanted was for his friend to at least have a reason to leave him, leave anything at all, but he didn't have any. It was just pure injustice. Dylan was the person that probably deserved all of this the least, he was the person Thomas wanted to die old and happy with 4 kids, 9 grandchildren and a huge family. Thomas wanted Dylan to be happy, he wanted the American to live life at his fullest.

"He will make it. I feel it." the Brit said with a light smile on his lips.

And for once, Thomas wasn't lying. He really felt his chest jumping, being alive again as if something he lost had returned to him.

And it did. At that moment, a small moan escaped Dylan's lips, making him squeeze his eyes shut before opening them slowly and let them flicker several times.

When the moan was realized by the two people in the room, all eyes were pointed on the American. Thomas stood up from his usual chair, walking towards the end of Dylan's bed slowly, hoping that this time would be the right one.

"Tom...?" Dylan muttered before turning his head to face his mom, who was still holding Dylan's hand. "I'm here honey. I'm all here."

Dylan smiled lightly at these words, making Thomas smile too. The Brit then sprinted out of the room, screaming for a nurse to come check out on his awoken friend.

The screaming didn't just take the nurses attention. Tyler and some other teen wolf co-stars who were there, stood all up with a smile, walking towards the room to see their friend.

When Thomas reentered the room again, his heart broke down. Dylan was surrounded by people. People that were hugging, smiling, looking at him. Everyone was happy and cheering. Everyone wanted to talk to Dylan, so did Thomas.

The Brit tried to reach out for his younger friend, failing miserably. Thomas sat down on his usual chair again, looking at the people that were talking with Dylan, waiting for his turn to come up.

But his turn never came. The other were suffocating the brunet with questions and sentences Thomas would have exploded with by now. Once someone went away, someone new came in to congratulate Dylan of being so strong and amazing. Every time the blonde tried to reach out for Dylan's hand to at least touch it, so that the brunet would know that he was there, it didn't work. Dylan knew also that what was going on was wrong. Every time he looked at Thomas with a sad look, Thomas just nodded pretending everything was fine.

And since the day Dylan woke up until now, Thomas regrets it so badly not to be the first one to tell him. When his sister asked him what made Dylan so special for him Thomas didn't know but now, now it just wouldn't shut down.

Thomas knew exactly why he liked Dylan. And it was not because of his working skills, it was way more than that.

For once, Thomas felt something he only felt when he was with his mom. Thomas was a quite independent child yet, there was nothing better than the hugs of his mom. And with Dylan, he felt that safety. Dylan saved him, from everything. Every time Dylan and Thomas were together, Dylan made sure that Thomas would feel okay and comfortable. Dylan would try to make Thomas as acceptable as possible. The American wanted the other to be at his happiest place. The American wanted him to be free.

Dylan gave Thomas a reassurance nobody did. Dylan made Thomas be a little bit child, he made the Brit think less and live life. He brought Thomas alive and the Brit would always thank the brunet for it.

"Until now I still haven't told Dylan what I really actually think about him." Thomas said onto his phone.

"He loves you Thomas. And he knows that you've been holding it inside of yourself but he will also wait until you're ready. He will be there, he's waiting. Just let it out whenever you feel like it." the female voice said, which made Thomas smile.

"Thank you Julia."
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