Welcome to Team Z

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I open my eyes groggily and roll over in my bed to come face to face with a man with bright white blonde hair and a smirk as he looks at me with his beautifully blue eyes. "Did we...." I didn't finish my sentence as he chuckled at me.

"Yes-yes we did." He smiled at me as I just stared at him blankly. "Are you hungry? You're probably craving something quite odd?"

I look at him like he is crazy but I did crave something. Something that seemed absolutely ridiculous to crave. I wanted brains... Human brains." I am craving something but if you don't mind me asking what's your name?" You look at him scanning his face trying hard to remember.

"My name is Blaine. You look mighty confused on how I got here. You were up at meat cute drunk off your ass and asked me if I had a mirror in my pants because you can see yourself in them. I decided to drive you home but when I tried to get you to go to bed you dragged me in here with you and well after a few drinks for myself I'm assuming things got heated." He says.

"That cheesy of a pickup line scored me you?" I say stifling a laugh.

"I'm not sad to say it's true" he laughs sitting up. "Now about that craving I'm sure breakfast sounds good. Fried eggs and brains sandwich sound good?"

"H-how did you..." I stammer out looking dumbfounded.

"Oh I'm sorry buttercup! I didn't tell you!" He says looking down at me. "y/n you're apart of team Z as in like a zombie. Don't worry though I will make sure you get the brains you need. I like you a lot and won't make you pay for them like my customers for now."

"Oh...okay... This is definitely shocking and I won't probably fully grasp it at first...But I really am starving so do you mind starting breakfast while I wash up?" I say getting out of bed walking over to him. "I'd love to get to know you Blaine." I smile giving him a small kiss on the lips before leaving for the bathroom.

Blaine x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now