A Rough Patch

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I scrambled to my feet.

"Mom!" I ran at her and hugged her. She hugged me back and fell to her knees, both of us on the ground now.

"Nellwyn? Oh my sweet girl..." She breathed in and sighed, pulling away to look at me. "How are you alive? Michael he..." She swallowed.

"I'm... not from here. I'm a Nellwyn from another world. I'm not your Nellwyn." I explained gently.

"Oh..." She looked down, pushing some of her auburn hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear. Her green eyes looked into mine.

"How... are you still alive?" I asked. She sniffled and stood, I stood also.

"After the apocalypse I tried to get you and Amelia and your father into hiding. Your father went out to scout one day and... He was killed by Michael." She sighed. "We were together for a year before they found us. Michael took you and Amelia away from me and..." She sighed. "Those angels took your grace away. They killed you. Both of you."

I stared at my mom for a long time.

"In my world..." I swallowed. "The apocalypse never happened..." my mom looked at me in surprise. "And... we went on a cruise that year." I chuckled. "And... a few years later... Amara, the darkness. She killed you. And Amelia." I sighed. "Dad escaped but..." a look of anger came over my face. "Ruben... he's not the man you had here with you." I growled.

"You're alive. How?" She asked.

"Sam and Dean. The Winchester's." I smiled. "They took me in and I've been learning about my powers." I said.

"Those two humans you were with..." She realized.

"We're here looking for their mom. And... and a nephilm. His name is Jack."

"I know of them. I know where they are." she nodded.

"So you'll help me?" I asked. She put a hand on my cheek and wiped some dirt away.

"I will always help you." She smirked. "Besides. Michael needs to be brought down. And I think you and your friends can do that." She smiled.

My mom and I walked and I told her all about everything and everyone I had met since my mother had died.

"We're about a day away from the camp where those humans are."

"What have you been doing?" I asked her.

"Surviving. I'm on my own. The angels don't want me and I don't want them." She glared a bit with her green eyes that matched mine. "Look what they've done to this world. To this perfect thing." She sighed. "To you... your sister... to you father." She looked at me. "Oh Nellwyn. Your father is a good man. He's just... very conflicted." She sighed. "I know him better than anyone. Maybe even better than he knows himself. And I love him." She smiled at me. "And he loves me. And you. So much." She nodded. "He's the one who opened my eyes to how beautiful the earth was."

"You never told me how you met dad." I muttered.

"That's... a very long story." She laughed. "Not something we have time for right now. We need to find your friends."

"Sam... Is he really-" I stopped.

"Nellwyn?" my mom looked at me.

"Can you feel that?" I looked around.

Something, or rather, someone, came out of the bushes. My mom moved forward, eyes glowing white.

"Mom wait!" I yelled. It was Beelzebub.

Nellwyn Spencer-Winchester (Part 3 of the adventures)Where stories live. Discover now