WWII: Alternate Dimension Edition

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I had never felt more alone then when Jack was gone. And with Beelzebub missing in action, my stress levels had reached extreme heights. It was one night while I was sitting awake in my room that Castiel knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said, putting my journal away. I had... added a few things to it.

"Nellwyn." He said, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, he looked more stressed than I did.

"I need you to... accompany me to a meeting." He explained. I sat up straight.

"For what?" I asked.

"For information about Jack."

"Did you find him?"

"No... but the angels might know something. Someone has agreed to meet with me." He nodded. "With us." He said. I stared for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Oh... okay. When do we-"

"We have to go now. But we have to go alone." He said. I nodded slowly.

Castiel told Sam and Dean that we had to go meet with an angel. Dean was hesitant at first, but I had dealt with angels before, Castiel and I had each others backs. We left with the promise that we wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Do you know how to fly?" Castiel asked as we walked along the road.

"I... not on command. But I can." I nodded.

"Alright." He turned and placed a hand on my head. An image of a playground took over my mind. Castiel let go. "Concentrate on that place and then go there." He said, disappearing... flying, away. I swallowed and closed my eyes, but I was met with a few different things. Images flashed through my head as I opened up my mind to what I assumed were the angels and the demons. I saw Asmodeus, calling for Jack. I heard whispers of dying witches, a demand for Rowena. And then I was flying. I stopped in a place that wasn't where Castiel wanted to meet and I stumbled, trying to conjure up that image again. But something stopped me. I looked through a sea of people and met eyes with a familiar face. But then I was at the park.

I set a hand on my head as I looked up at Castiel.

"Hi." I muttered. He raised an eyebrow.

"You went elsewhere?" He asked.

"It's been a while since I opened up myself like that." I admitted.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"I've... never done that on casual command before." I rubbed the back of my head. "It usually only works when I'm... stressed out?" I explained to him. He jut nodded.

"Then... that will need some work." He said, turning to a sandbox where a portal opened and a woman stepped out. An angel.

She looked between us and smiled.


"Thank you for meeting with us." Castiel nodded.

"Do you know where Jack is? Do you have him?" I cut straight to the chase. Castiel waited patiently for an answer.

"N-no." The angel shook her head.

"Are you sure? He isn't in Mettatron's old cell or-"

"He wouldn't be in a cell, Castiel." She chuckled. "He'd be working."

"Working?" I made a face.

"Making angels. We're going extinct, you know." She said to me. "A dying breed. Someone needs to make more."

Nellwyn Spencer-Winchester (Part 3 of the adventures)Where stories live. Discover now