The Beginning, Apparently

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IMPORTANT! This is not my fanfiction! I am posting my friend's fanfic cause she's too shy and dosen't have enough confidence in her work. Also, the cover page is not mine. 


It gets lonely sometimes. Being the first seat. Hours of silence were not uncommon for Tsukasa Eishi. Other than Rindou, there was no one else he could truly confide in, and not even Rindou understood him sometimes. And even for as long as he's known the second seat, she was still a puzzling mystery that was the cause of frequent headaches.

Sighing, Tsukasa set his pen down and gazed out of the open workroom window. It was a beautiful day outside, the clouds fluffy and white, the sky a vibrant hue of blue. Students could be seen milling around during lunch and break, and the cheerful hum of chatter mixed with the singing of birds.

And here I am, stuck inside doing paperwork. Thanks a lot, Rindou.

Stretching his stiff arms and legs, he yawned before staring unhappily at the massive piles of paper in front of him. Taking one longing look outside, he heaved another big sigh before picking up his pen and bending over his work. With all the paperwork he had to do, Tsukasa knew it would be hours before he could leave. Who knew being the first seat of the Elite Ten was so tedious?


"Sorry!" Asuka sighed inwardly as another stranger bumped into her unknowingly, followed by a rushed apology as they ran off. I swear, if I got money for every time someone bumped into me, I would be filthy rich. The girl stared after the hurried stranger before trudging along again. To all the unseeing eyes, she was like a ghost that might as well not be there.

It was after school, but the day was so nice that several students made the decision to make use of the extensive grounds of Totsuki. The students were clinging to the bright rays of sunlight for as long as they could, dragging out the moments before they had to go home. Asuka didn't really have much to do that day, so she was heading back to the Polar Star dorm, earbuds in, music blasting, and, most importantly, black hoodie wrapped around her willowy frame.

Nearing the dorm, Asuka swore she could see the branches tremble at the loud arguing that was erupting from the old building, even with loud music playing in her ears. No doubt, Daigo and Shōji were going at it again.

Curiously peeking into the kitchen, earbuds pulled out and dangling in her hand, she saw that the two were involved in a fierce cooking match. Or, at least, what seemed to be a cooking match. There was a lot more yelling and shouting than there was cooking.

"Smell my fish! You could never dare to beat the strength of this fish, Daigo!!"


Noticing her peeking in by the door, Megumi gestured her over from the side of the kitchen.

"What happened this time?" Asuka asked, with the tone of someone who had seen the same sight a million times. Megumi wore an amused expression, laughing while she said, "The two were competing about who had more muscle, and for some reason, thought the best way to settle that was with a cooking match. Honestly, those two seem to have nothing for brains."

Watching the furious cooking of the two boys for a few minutes, Asuka left to seek the quiet of her room when their obnoxious yelling proved to be too much for her. Flopping onto her bed, Asuka clutched her well-worn pillow and stared at the tiled ceiling. She watched it vibrate with the noise from downstairs.

I could read a book, but I'm not in the mood for quietly reading. I could also study cooking methods, but that's no better. Maybe I should go back to watch the cooking match? Better not, actually, I'd probably go deaf down there. What about napping? Nah, I'm not really tired. What to do, what to do, what to do...

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