Battle Of New Orleans (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Flashback, Peru (1780)

"And so you are here avoiding the war?" The beautiful young vampire asked me as we were walking down the streets of the quiet town.

"Well not avoiding, I have seen my fair share of wars, there is no need to see more. You should be there, as I know you always like to help the injured" I replied .

She smiles " I am leaving tomorrow, I was hoping you would come."

I frown and turned my head to her "Why would I?" I turned my head back "I do not care about them".

She stayed silent for a second "Do not forget to love".

I laugh "We are vampires we do not love".

She shakes her head "As you know, when we are vampires everything including our emotions are heightened. When we hurt, we hurt. But when we love....we love." She tells me and smiles again.

"And what happens" I question "if that hurt we are feeling. That immense pain. Is due to love itself?"

"We don't turn it off or stop believing in love that's for sure."

"And why is that?"

"Because love is so delicate in itself. Even if it takes on the form of pain you do not fight it."

Present Day

She was a wise vampire. A rare thing. I wonder now what happened to her. Shrugging I take a new bottle and take a swing, wiping my mouth on my sleeve. I mean come on the one time in my entire existence that I decided I want to show my feelings, they get crushed. It's simply annoying. As I sit there I use my vampire hearing to listen to the town. So many heartbeats that could be destroyed. Yet again I heard something else. And I didn't enjoy not being invited.

"Bekah I'm going to have to call you back" I say standing up.

"What? Okay fine, and remember when I see Kol I'll kill him myself" I laughed.

"Okay" with that I hung up swiftly jumping roof to roof until I reached my destination. The compound. Luckily it had appeared Nik and Elijah had just arrived and I decided to get in step with them.

Elijah turned his head to look at me in a curious way "What are you doing here?"

"Having fun" I reply

"This is no time for games." he said with seriousness.

"Good. Because I'm done with games" the brothers shared a look after my comment just as we entered the compound. Apparently the vampires decided to throw a party. To bad I'm going to have to kill them, they were plenty. Filling out the first floor and the balconies, and every rebellion has a leader, I just couldn't spot him.

"I thought this lot would have learned their lesson." Klaus said with an almost impressed sly look.

"Well they're not exactly renowned for their genius." Elijah commented

"Well no shit" I said and then called out "So where's the ring leader of this circus!"

"To afraid to show their face?" Klaus questioned mockingly.

"Oh I'm here" someone said and we all looked up towards Marcel "and I'm going to give you one last chance, to pack your stuff, and get the hell out of my town."

I snort "Dumbass" I mumbled under my breath but covered it up with a cough and a sarcastic smile, of course it did earn me a couple of glares, not that I was affected considering when I looked at the vampires some of them couldn't even keep direct eye freaking contact.

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