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{Read the end note please!}


I found myself being interrupted when I noticed the buzzing of my phone beside me, my eyes moving from the recording camera to the screen of my device, ready to decline the call until I saw Sean's name. I let out a huff of confusion, pausing the recording and checking the time. He was calling really early, he should know I was working.

I answered the call and pressed the phone to my ear.


"Mark! It's early, I know, you don't have to tell me", Sean giggled.

"Yeah, quite, early enough to catch me in the middle of a video", my eyes scanned the paused screen of my monitor before I looked around the room while spinning in my chair. "Sorry, sorry! I was just too excited to wait!"

"Excited for what?" My eyes shut.

"I met a girl today!" He started and my eyes immediately shot wide open. "Is that so?"

"I mean, I made a friend, that must've sounded a bit weird", Jack giggled again, but his attempt to reassure me didn't settle my nerves that much. "A bit", I found myself standing and beginning to pace around the small recording room, Chica watching me with her soft brown eyes.

"I made a friend that actually lives near me! Her names Signe! I know this sounds a little anti climatic or something because I called really early, but I felt like I needed to tell you. After all I have been complaining about not knowing enough people here", Sean explained slightly, my mouth staying shut.

"She's very nice, I had to buy her ice cream because I accidentally made her drop her own..."

"Uh huh".

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your video".

"Uh huh", I could tell I was being both insensitive and jealous. I should've been happy that he made a friend because he always did express to me that he was lonely at times in Brighton, but for some reason, this made me nervous. He's a gay man, why should I worry about his new found friendship with a woman? Maybe it was because of how excited he sounded about her. I began wondering whether he spoke about me like this.

"I should say goodbye shouldn't I? I'm so sorry Mark for interrupting you?"

I wanted to talk to him for longer but I just agreed and concluded the conversation there, leaving me now with a damp mood and lacking motivation to continue recording.


"Mark? Is everything alright?" Tyler snapped me out of my dazed state. "Huh?" I hummed as I dragged my fork on the plate, still neglecting to take even a bite from the meal. "You've been really down for the past few hours, did you even finish recording?" Ethan invited himself into the conversation.


"What happened?" Tyler asked, nudging my arm gently. "It's just me being stupid, nothing different there guys. Just let me get over myself instead of worrying", I shrugged one shoulder. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled it out, seeing it was Sean calling. I hesitated but laid the phone flat on the table and watched it ring until he stopped calling.

This clearly surprised my two friends but they didn't speak for a short while, exchanging glances before looking at me once again. "What happened Mark? Did you and Jack have a fight or something?"


"You always answer his calls, isn't this the usual time you two talk?" Ethan asked while checking his watch. "Yeah", I ended the conversation by standing and retiring to my recording room.


I was a week early to visit Sean but the nerves were eating me alive. He spoke very religiously about this girl every time we spoke to one another, it reaching the point where I was certain something might happen if I don't intervene as soon as possible. The more I thought about it the more paranoid I got.

What if this was it? The unhappy ending I deserved where Sean finally understood how fucked I was or how crazy being with me was. I should've known this relationship might not work, long distances never seem to work since you can't keep a cautious eye on them to make sure they don't fall for someone else.

Sean wasn't like that though. He was better than that. If he wanted someone else surely he'd tell me instead of hiding his relationship while 'happily' dating me? I tried to convince myself of these things but it all went in vain.

I shivered slightly as I stepped out the taxi in front of Sean's house. It was decently sized, maybe a bit big for one man to live home alone but Sean loved it to death and I respected that.

I imagined myself moving into this house and my mind shivered when the cold whipped at my locks, my head shaking. I could handle cold climates easy, but to live in an area with a constant nippiness?

I walked up the stairs while dragging my bag behind me, grumbling words under my breath at how cold it was.

Before I had a chance to knock, the door swung open and I was met with the unfamiliar face of a young girl. She looked to be maybe 6 or 5 years younger than I was, she was short and thin with a pale yet delicate looking face. She was pretty but not pretty enough to wow me.

"Can I... Can I help you?" She seemed stunned to have run into me so suddenly.

"Are you Signe?" I provided no emotion in my stare as I watched her eye me down from head to toe.

"Who's asking?"

"Mark?" Sean's sweet voice hit my ears like an angel singing a hymn. "Hey Jackaboy", Sean gently pushed the girl aside to practically tackle me in a hug, squeals coming from his lips.

"You're here! Aren't you suppose to be here next week?!" Jack pulled away to stare me down as though he hadn't seen me in years.

"I couldn't wait", I rose my gloved hand to caress Jack's cheek, watching as he grinned and leaned closer to me to steal a kiss.

"Woah what is going on?" Signe intervened, making us pull away from each other to look at her.

"Oh! Signe this is Mark!" Sean pushed me in front of him to show me off almost, my eyes boring into hers. "His boyfriend", I stared and her face paled.

"You... You didn't tell me you were gay!" Signe seemed genuinely upset and my grin grew. "I'm sure I did? Clearly you just weren't listening", he chuckled and I looked at him in astonishment.

Was he honestly that oblivious? His innocence made me even more paranoid than I was before since he seemed to genuinely not notice this girls attraction to him. What  sunk me far more into paranoia was that it seemed this girl wasn't even aware that he was fucking gay. Did he not talk about me?

My eyes returned to her as Sean blabbed on, starting to lead me further into the house.

I sneered and rose my hand to Signe, showing her the middle finger while following after MY boyfriend.



First off, I promised a Tythan story and here it is if you're interested.

Secondly, I'm writing this while it's relevant but this story, hear this, IS RANKED THIRD IN SEPTIPLIER! WHat ThE FUCKkKkK?! WHATTHEFUCKBHUWB?!?!?!??!


I'm not gayΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα