part 3

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heyyy back again!

i wanna get his going fast cuz i am really far from having a writers block!

so many ideas swimming awround in there! :D


So, it turns out Henry had died a few days later from a heart attack. Like i said, i felt horrible. Although, the fact that it wasn't my fault was nice.

Oh hahaha and did i tell you about the part where investigators blamed ME? huh. i guess i did. Weeks of trials, trying to clear my name and wanting to interview me. It sucked. A lot oh, My favorite Question was,

"What will you do now that the public knows your a murderer?" Who would you ask someone that had just supposedly killed somebody a question like that? Its like saying, hey, i wanna die! But of course, i would save that for the person who was cruel enough to send the interviewer out.

. But the best thing about it was that I got a letter from my DAD saying that he wouldn't hurt anyone else if i would surrender to him. My first reaction, "SHIT! THAT IS COMPLETE BS!" then the fact that he knew where i lived. again, Shit.

As soon as i showed Devin the letter he bought a house a few neighborhoods down. so i wouldn't be changing schools. but, We were still being watched by cops. It took months to solve that problem, and Rachel was still missing.

Somehow, it feels like the world is out to get me, witch it probley is. I must of stepped on a magical leaf or somthing. Seriously, WTF. So after that event, i just gave up. Well, it felt good. Just etting it go. But.. ohh when i see my dad.. i know one of us is going to die. It was a fact. both of us were trained to use about any weapon or fighting style.we were what many people would call, kick ass. (btw, love the movie XD)

~~~~~~~~Devins P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~

I threw my cell phone against the wall. felling triumph as it smashed into pieces. leaving a noticeable dent in the wall. I've had this feeling before. i was blood thirsty. I have been in this place for to long. The people were starting to catch our story. I don't want it leaking out.

I went up to Zoeys room. Putting on a happy face i stuck my head in the door. "are you awake yet?" i asked

"no I'm not." She stuck her tongue out at me and snuggled into her pillows. I knew what that meant. It was going to be a fighting to make her move morning, or call the school and say she sick morning. looks like option two is gonna have to work.

"fine. But your getting up at te-" i remembered what she had stayed up all night doing. She had scooted the area, looked everywhere for any thing. Anything we might want to, ya know. cheek out. " when ever you wanna get up." i waved my hand and shut the door. i felt extremely tired. But i couldn't go too sleep. Someone was waiting for me.

I cheaked the time. Sarah would be here in an hour. With Zoey here. If she wakes up.. ugh i don't feel like being screamed at. i slammed me fist into a door. causing my knuckles to bleed. Maybe Sarah should come a diffrent day. At this rate i might kill her before she get out of her car.

I sighed. i couldn't do this any other day. Zoey needed to be with someone else, and i needed to go start a life. I knew how much she depended on me. but she will understand.. right? ugh! girls!

I heard the doorbell. Sarah. I don't wanna talk to you. i sighed. I clobbered up the stairs. when i opened the door i saw a little lady looking at me.

"you aren't my little kitty.." then she walked back towards the road. i sorta stared at her. trying my best not to burst out laughing. Then i saw a car. Then an old lady walking to the middle of the street.

I bolted to her grabbing her and ran across the road. I was breathing heavily and the woman was complaining that she had a husband already or something. I sighed. i lay back and just rested for a few minutes. when i looked back up the lady was gone and there was a car parked behind me. It was a nice car. looked almost like a black chrome with a race car build. i sat up and walked up to it. Fresh paint. some polish new tires. Nice car.

"What the hell you think you doin'? I saw someone behind me.

" I'm just looking at your car.."

"no you were not you were going to steal it!"

"what? no!" i yelled.

she pulled her cell phone out and dialed. i jumped on her throwing her phone to the side and pinning her to the ground. " I was not trying too steal your car."

" uhmmm..." she stuttered an ok. and i let her go. she looked at me wide eyed and drove away.

I went home and took a shower, made lunch. ate it, then went bowling, watched TV, waiting for zoey to get up. It was 9:30pm and she was still sleeping? somethings wrong.

i went to her room and cracked the door. "Zoey?"

i looked around. she wasn't in her bed or in the shower. where did she go? i saw her window was open and i balled up my fists. i was mad, but not mad enough to lecture her about it.

I heard Someone scream, and then i heard "DEVIN!"

good job Zoey. what did you do now?

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