Chapter 3

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I was barely 5 years old at the time. The time she decided to burn my fragile, bony little hand. It was around 3 am when I awoke to the sound of the door banging open. It was pouring rain outside, the power was out and I heard the floorboards creaking downstairs. I grabbed the flashlight Aunt Judy left on my bedside before she left and made my way down the stairs. As I approached the living room, I heard moaning. I directed the light from the flashlight to the couch and saw my mother, along with some young man Ive never seen before, making out. I dropped the flashlight and started crying out of fear.

"Mommy? I'm scared. Who is that man?" I croaked. I saw fury cross my mom's face when she laid her eyes on me, but she quickly faked confusion when the man looked from me to her, his face caked with betrayal and anger.

"Im sorry but who are you, little girl?" My mom said, between clenched teeth.

"Mommy stop playing games. That's not daddy and not the guy you brought home last week." I squeaked innocently, somehow finding the courage within me to speak.

This was it. I was dead, or at least I was supposed to be. The mysterious man got up, shoving my mother off of him. My mother went after him and wrapped her arms around his torso. "No! You can't leave yet, Jaxy.We aren't done!" she desperately yelled.

The man turned around and roughly shoved my mom away.

"NO TERESA!!!" He boomed. I watched in awe as his youthful face twisted in disgust. My mother shut up, her hands clenching into fists, her jaw set. The moment his eyes met my mother's, his anger dissolved and a look of raw hurt resided on the man's face.

"I trusted you, you know that right? You played me. I thought we had a chance. Why would you do that to me? Why did you lie to me? You're married with a child! Learn some morals, I can't even look at you right now! Do us all a favor and stay out of my life, you slut! And while you're at it, put on your wedding ring and learn to be a faithful whore. Poor man, he is." He turned around after those words left his mouth and didn't look back. He left, slamming the door shut behind him. I was terrified of what my mother was going to do next.

My mother looked taken aback at first but then her face twisted with shock and anger when she laid her eyes on me. She didn't waste a minute after he left as she approached me, cursing and screaming at me. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed me into the wall behind me. Then, she delivered a blow to my stomach that knocked all the air out of my lungs. I couldn't breath as red clouds spotted my vision, and all I could feel was pain. I felt her cold fists against my face and I felt her drag me by my hair to the kitchen. She turned on the stove and forcefully took my hands and held them to the burning stove. Before I knew it, my hands were on fire, the shearing pain burning my flesh. I didn't have the power to resist my mom as she brought a knife and placed it at my neck.

I jolted awake, screaming bloody murder. I felt muscular arms pull me into a masculine, hard chest. His intoxicating, divine smell consumed me as I felt the tears streaming down my face. I heard his soothing voice.


"Shhhh...." He cooed as he kept trying to calm me, "Cupcake, that was only a nightmare. ." I was shaking as cold sweat plastered my hair to my face.

"It was only a nightmare, I'm here for you love," he said. It was the exact same nightmare I've been having for the last 15 days. That night comes back to haunt me every time I close my eyes. I remember it all. I wish I didn't, but I do.

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