Chapter 7: The Journey Begins

Start from the beginning

"Fine." He too looked tired, and didn't try to argue with the rest group. "We'll keep watch in two-hour shifts." He made his way back to the rest of the group, and everyone began to unload their supplies. 

They'd yet to decide shifts by the time they'd finished unpacking what they'd need that night. Toxic herself had brought little at all. She had her bow and arrows, a blanket, food, and water. Hidden in the bottom of her bag was her tail. While she wouldn't wear it, she couldn't throw it away. She felt a little spark of anger at the sight of it, a reminder of the crime of one of the men she traveled with. She set her pack down to lean on the log she had set up beside. 

Once again, the clearing had fallen silent, yet now it was she who had broken its spell. "I'll take first watch." Ian and Quentin didn't respond, though both looked a little relieved, while Seto watched her for a few moments. 

"You sure? I can take it if you-" Jerome began while his axe, which he'd oddly named 'Betty', leaning against a tree he'd chosen to sleep under. 

"I'm sure." She cut him off. She couldn't sleep, not yet. She just wasn't tired. "You guys rest. I'll wake you up in about two hours." She nodded to Jerome, who just shrugged in response. 

"Alright. If you insist." With that, he lay down, likely to get as much rest as possible before his turn. The others too began to settle down, and she grabbed her bow, slinging the quiver of arrows over her shoulder with a sigh. As the other settled down, Seto used his magic to start a fire in the center. She found it odd, and didn't know if she liked the floating fire in the center of the clearing. She watched as Seto lay down by his items, before she turned away. 

In her mind, she contemplated allowing a zombie to get a little to close to Seto, for her own personal enjoyment. She chuckled a little at the thought before deciding against it. Zombies were to loud, they'd probably wake him up. Oh well

She looked back at the group for a moment, before thinking about where to position herself. Tree or ground. Ground for now. Scout around. Once the mobs started getting frisky, then she'd climb into a tree and pick them off from there. Then she'd only really have to worry about skeletons and spiders. 

As she thought about that, she began to walk into the darkening woods. She whistled softly to herself. taking her mind off of Seto and turning it to the task at hand. She stopped whistling and paused in her walking when she heard a groan. She remained silent for many moments, before it sounded again to her left. 

She whipped around, drawing back her bow with an arrow quickly nocked. She stared at the zombie for a second or two as it approached--only ten feet away-- before letting the arrow loose. There was a strange squishing noise, and then a thud as the arrow embedded itself into the creatures eye, and it dropped. Hitting zombies in the eye. That was the best way to kill them. 

She smirked, before glancing around. Once she made sure she was clear, she began jogging back towards the clearing where everyone was. When she was nearly there, her breath caught in her throat. Before she could stop herself, she tripped, the hole made by a creeper stretching out before her. Instinctively, she threw out her arms to catch herself, though she knew it would do little to help as she neared the disheveled ground. She shut her eyes tight. 

Toxic let out a surprised gasp however, when she caught herself. Her eyes shot open, and the grass below her rustled quietly due to the steady breeze, mixed with the sudden wind due to her fall. She let out an unsteady breath, staring at the ground in surprise, the creeper hole having suddenly vanished. That's impossible.

Before she could even get up, she felt eyes on her. Her face paled further, and she let her right arm drop her weight so she could roll and see who was behind her. She scurried to her feet, unsteady due to the shock of what had occurred. 

The slim form before her made tears prick at her eyes as anger coursed through her veins. "You." She growled, before drawing her bow in one swift motion, nocking an arrow and aiming for the figure's head. He remained calm, a familiar smirk lining his face as they stared at one another. Finally, he spoke, breaking the tense silence. 

"Hello Toxic. I have a proposition for you." 


So sorry for not updating in forever! 

Just a reminder, Toxic belongs to ToxicWaffle183, while Justin (unfortunately only mentioned this chapter, though he will be more prominent don't worry!) belongs to ExistentialCloud. Angel from the previous book, belongs to Jay_Crown!

So sorry that its been so long since an update. Hope you enjoyed!

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