"You're gay? Congratulations! You really are my daughter then!" Michael joked, but hugged me while Skye seems to have finally figured out on why my mom beats me. "But if you are still doubting me Michael, we can take DNA test and see if I really am your daughter..." He nodded and took out his phone. "We should exchange numbers then we'll go right now,"

"I don't have a phone but I'll take your number and I'll message you when I am finally able to buy a phone.." He nodded then motioned for us to follow him. A white Montero sport came into my view. He opened it for us then we hopped in.

"I hope the test is positive.. I wish I had believed Patricia years ago.. We could've spent more time together, I would've been able to provide you with all your needs not that bruise lying on your pretty face.." I'm happy to hear him saying that, even though we just met and we still haven't known each other yet, I really hope that he's my dad.

I already like him. He's kind, caring, full of glee and gay. Gay is happy.


"Well, see you in a week I guess.." I said. We are now done with the getting of the DNA, now we have to wait for a week to get the results. "Yep, it was nice meeting you Melissa.. Madison.." He offered his hand which I happily shook. "Patricia told Melissa to use Madison instead of Phillips, now I know why.." Skye announced like she just finished investigating a murder case. "It was also nice meeting you, Mr Michael Madison..!" I cheerfully said then both of us waved our goodbyes.

"Phew, he's really nice isn't he?" Skye started the engine as I hopped on. "Yeah he is.. Now let's go home, I still have to work.." I say, checking the time which read thirty past twelve. I smiled to myself knowing I still have a lot of time to prepare for my work!

This day is really nice.. I feel like going to church..



It's Sunday morning. I can finally see why I feel like my eyes are about to burn and not be able to see forever. "Shut the goddamn curtains to how they were before you disturbed them, Emma." I grumbled, burying my head on the pillows. "Nah, not working. Get your ass up.. It's 7am Carroll!" Emma shouted, shaking me. "That's exactly why you shouldn't wake me up. It's 7am, too early for me to wake up." I hissed gritting my teeth but reluctantly sat up.

"Damn too much complaining, just get the hell up Carroll or I'll drag you down there and I swear, you wouldn't like that to happen!" She warned before finally leaving the room. Like that would happen. She wouldn't even dare playfully slap my arm. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I stop to look at my reflection on the mirror.

I still look the same but not the same. I still look like Carroll, but not the old Carroll. The girl I see on the mirror is not happy. Her eyes show no emotion, her lips don't curl up the way they used to, often.. The girl I'm looking at is way too different than before.

I splash water on my face once more before leaving the room to go downstairs. Georgina was preparing the plates while Emma was sat down looking impatient. I pulled the chair across Emma and sat down. "Well, well, well.. Look who we have here, Georgina... It's Elsa! The queen of-" "Emma, quit acting like maleficent.. She's way too high for you to imitate.. Your physical appearance suits Aurora but your acting skills... Damn, Scooby is way too better than you.." Emma rolled her eyes at Georgina's comment.

I almost laughed.

Georgina placed the pancakes on our plates and poured juice onto our glasses. She turned on the television, which was wow, what a coincidence. The television is playing the news, of course, and there you go, I had to see both of them, together. The woman who took the warmth in me with her, the woman who turned me into ice.

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