mid-flight cuddles

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mid-flight cuddles -- inspired by the picture the absolutely killed me. kinda retold from both joey and daniel's povs so sorry if it gets repetitive.

joey's pov:

daniel, nikita, and i were on our way to japan for my birthday vacation. i think we were about halfway there. daniel and i were staying for three weeks and i couldn't be more excited. the only downside about going to japan was that it meant a long flight. 

although my anxiety was getting better, all i wanted to do was fall asleep. for some reason, i couldn't fall asleep for my life. i played a few games and played music to try and make myself tired but nothing worked.

"danny" i whispered to the pod he was in next to me. i realized he was listening to music and had his headphones on and wasn't going to hear me.

so, i poked him repeatedly, repeating his name quietly, so the people around us couldn't hear until he took his headphones off.

"yes, joseph?" he finally asked.

"i can't sleep." i said.

"do you want to cuddle?" daniel asked.

"yeah." i said smiling, getting up from my pod and going to his.

"come here sweet boy." he said, scooting over to make room for me.

i crawl in and cuddle into daniel's side with my head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. i was in my happy place, my safe place. he was my home.

"i love you, you know that?" daniel said, making me look up at him.

i smiled and said, "i love you too. so damn much."
instead of responding, daniel first gave me a kiss on my lips, then giving me one last kiss on the nose. (a/n: y'all know how much their nose kisses..)

feeling so safe and happy, i drifted off to sleep with a smile, dreaming of the adventures we would go on in japan.

daniel's pov:

i was listening to music when joey told me he couldn't sleep.

i suggested we cuddle, something i missed. sure, we may cuddle every night but i had just come back from camping without him so i wanted to get all the cuddles to make up for the loss time.

i was glad when he agreed and came over to me. scooting down, i made space for joey under the blanket.

"come here sweet boy." i said, opening my arms for him to crawl in next to me.

his head lay on my chest, his hair tickled my face a little but i didn't mind. i had my arms wrapped around him and he had one wrapped around me.

i lay there, just looking at him, thinking about how lucky i was to call him mine and how precious he was.

"i love you, you know that?" i said to joey, who was starting to drift off.

"i love you too. so damn much." joey replies with a smile, causing me to leave a kiss on his lips and nose.

joey quickly drifted off to sleep, his head still on my chest. i lay watching him sleep for a few minutes with a smile, admiring the beautiful features of his face. before dozing off myself, i gave him another kiss in his hair.

(a/n: hope you enjoyed! i don't completely hate this for once so that's cool. leave requests and i'll try to write more, i've been having no ideas and no motivation... lmk what ya thought; vote, comment, etc. okay cool, adios.
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