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My ears ring, my eyes sting, and tears threaten to cascade down my cheeks. Again. Kevin looks over at me, a look of helplessness on his face. His tears start to fall freely as he wraps his arms around my neck, crying into my chest. 

"Your mother and I are getting a divorce," he says, sounding somber, yet unbroken. 

He stares across the table at his nearly-grown children, watching as we weep, our hearts breaking. 

Never had Kevin or I ever imagined our parents getting a divorce. I always thought that eventually, Mom would come home, retire, and we'd all live happily in Riverdale. Kev and I would go off and start careers and families, but we'd all come together for holidays and on weekends. Our parents would sit and watch us with our own little families, smiling at the life they created together. In the summers, they would sit on the porch in some cheesy, creaky rocking chairs, watching the neighborhood as the sun sets. Dad would get stopped in public and thanked by community members for serving as Sheriff, and Mom would get stopped and thanked for serving our country. We would all feel safe, and Kevin's and my kids would grow up to see their grandparents as heroes. 

"I can't believe you're directing Carrie," I snicker, picking up the script for the school's musical this year. 

Kevin glares up at me. 

"Well, thank you, I'm very excited." He retorts, standing abruptly, heading out the front door for school. 

Without any words with my dad, I head out and walk to The Register

"You alright, Kim?" Alice asks, noticing my change in demeanor. I'm not myself, and everyone can see that. 

"Yeah, fine." I shrug, not wanting to talk about the wreck that is my family life. 

"Well, I hope so, because your brother asked me to be in his production of Carrie at the high school, and I said yes! I'll have my hands pretty full getting into the role. Could you hold down the fort for me? I know it's a lot to ask since you haven't been working here long-" 

"-It's not a problem, Alice." I smile, genuinely. 

I haven't smiled in days. Seeing Alice so excited for a high school production of Carrie makes me happy, and it reminds me of the good that still exists in Riverdale. I'd like to think that the same subtle goodness still exists everywhere, in everything, but I'm not so sure. In a world full of goodness, my parents would never get divorced. Dad never would have cheated. 

After a few days of feeling swamped at The Register, Betty volunteers herself and Jughead, despite their roles in the musical as well. She offers to help with the news coverage, and offers Jug for help with the writing. I praise those two for existing every day. They're a ray of sunshine to be around. 

My mind dreams up an image. Betty and Jughead across from me and FP, all four of us having dinner together. A group of four people, two couples, sharing a nice meal. Jughead isn't upset about me and FP, and we're all happy. We're all talking and laughing together, and everything feels good and normal. 

I sigh. 

"Please tell me you're coming to Opening Night?" Kev asks, standing hopefully in front of me and Dad. I look up from my laptop, raise an eyebrow, and smile. 

"Of course, Kev! This is your big directorial debut! I wouldn't miss it!" I exclaim with a grin. 

The two of us turn our attention to Dad, who looks between the two of us before sighing and agreeing reluctantly to join us. Things between us have been awkward and minimal, but this could be a step in the right direction. 

Kev invited me to the dress rehearsal, and after two run-throughs I volunteer to grab food for the cast. Alice agrees, giving me her credit card to pick up burgers for everyone. I thank her and head over to Pop's.

"Please tell me you're coming to Opening Night?" I beg, looking at FP with a silent plea, and placing my large order of burgers. He smiles at me. "I have to sit with my dad all night, and that's just going to be the most awkward experience of my life." I exaggerate, trying to persuade him to come. 

"I don't know if I can. I might still be working." FP explains, offering an apologetic look. "Try to have a good time, I love- ...show tunes."  My eyes widen.

FP almost said he loves me. That's crazy. Is it crazy? We haven't really been able to be together or go on any dates, so how could he love me? Then again, what do I know? All the guys in my past drained me emotionally, so I could never feel love for any of them. But FP... He makes me feel more alive, and he's comforting and safe. He's a good man who does what he can to care for his family, and he evidently cares for me. 

"Thanks." I say, "I love show tunes too." 

I turn and leave the diner, looking back at him with a smirk. 

When I get back to the auditorium with the burgers, Kevin is running around like a mad man. He's yelling orders and making theatre references. He's nervous. I walk up to him and place my hand on his shoulder. He jumps before turning around. 

"Oh," he breathes. 

"You need to relax, Kev." I tease, wiping the sweat from his forehead with my sleeve. His face scrunches. 

"Your clothes are terribly scruffy. How do you walk around in that?" He complains, referring to the material of my sleeve. I can't help but laugh at his outburst. 

"I'm gonna go find Dad and get us seats, you relax." I say, leaving him to his organized chaos. 

I find Dad in the crowd and silently lead him to our seats a few rows back from the stage. Luckily, before either of us can say anything, the lights dim, signaling showtime. I breathe a sigh of relief, watching the stage intently. 

Alice walks out on stage to begin her scene, and the curtain draws, releasing the chaos. The crowd erupts in screams and people frantically run in all directions. Alice turns to see Midge, the lead role, pinned to the backdrop by knives, all through her chest. Scrawled in what can only be blood, "I Am Back From The Dead. All Those Who Escaped Me Before Will Die... B.H." I shudder, paralyzed by fear. Dad is already gone, ready to defend the town and attack if he finds the Black Hood. Terrified, I look around for Kevin. 

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