Kageyama x Reader

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The school bell rang signaling the end of class. The teacher tried to assign homework as most of the students already sprinted out of the class.

"Work on the new project with your previously assigned partner!", I heard her say.

My previously assigned partner was no other thank Kageyama Tobio.

I definitely wouldn't call us friends and wouldn't even call us acquaintances. I don't think I've ever had a conversation with him before.

As far as I knew he was a volleyball guy while I was a band girl. We never really crossed paths because of this. I always kind of like him though, I was glad when the teacher assigned us together. This would be my chance.

I took out my phone and texted Kageyama's friend, Hinata, to tell him to relay to Kageyama that we need to work on our assignment sometime today. Since Kageyama and I don't really know each other I never got his number. Telling Hinata was the only way I could reach him. I hoped Hinata would see my message.

I took my flute out of my locker and went to my after school band club. I turned my phone on silent so I wouldn't be distracted, but not before I checked the weather. Clear skies and sunshine for the whole weekend.

Friday practices were only an hour long so I was done by 4. I put all of my stuff away and walked out of the school.

I opened my phone and saw a text from an unknown number.

Hey y/n, Hinata told me that we should meet up. Can you meet me at the convenience store outside of the school around 4:30?

I stopped at a convenience store early than planned to grab a snack. I saw the exact snack I wanted and tried to reach for it. It was on the top shelf and my finger was an inch away from reaching it.

I was standing on my tiptoes when I almost fell forward. I regained my balance and pouted to myself.

Suddenly a long arm reached above me and grabbed my favorite candy bar. I looked up to meet eyes with mine other than Kageyama.

He blushed and quickly handed me the bar. I bowed and thanked him.

"Oh y/n, I thought we could maybe go to my house, if that's okay with you."

"Really?!" I thought we would go to the library or something, I did not expect him to invite me over to his house. It seemed kind of odd since we didn't really know each other.

"Uh, yeah," he said while scratching the back of his neck nervously, "Hinata told me that we had a project to work on together."

I nodded and shyly smiled. I looked at the bar in my hand as he grabbed a drink from another shelf.

"Is that all you're getting? Ready to go?" He smiled at me. I've never seen him smile before, he always seemed mad, at least from afar.

I nodded again and he lead me to the cash register. I set the food on the counter as I began to reach for my purse. When I looked back up Kageyama had already paid for it.

I once again shyly bowed and thanked him. He shyly bowed back and gave a quick "don't mention it".

He led me to his house and unlocked the front door.

His mom rushed to the door the second we walked in and greeted me. "Hi, oh my gosh, you must be one of Kageyama's girlfriend! You never told me you were dating Tobio!"

She rushed around the house and got me a glass of water and even mentioned how I was the first girl that Kageyama ever brought home.

I told her that we weren't dating or anything. She apologized for the misunderstanding while Kageyama tried to pull me away from her and tried to escape to his room, clearly embarrassed by his mom's actions.

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