57//Momma Ain't Raise No Bitch

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Chapter 56: Momma Ain't Raise No Bitch

Song: Ghost by Halsey


"I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet my new grand baby! He or she is going to be so spoiled and loved so much!"

"He or she is going to love you too, momma."I smile over at my mom, who's flipping through baby magazines with me. "So, have you told anyone yet?"she asks curiously, nudging me. I laugh lightly and swallow hard, shaking my head. "No, not yet."I answer. "How come?"she ponders. I shrug my shoulders in response.

"Ya know, you have to tell Calum some time. You can't just keep this from him forever, he'll find out eventually."she advises. I nod, understanding that it's true.

I'm running a huge clothes company, I'm constantly being papped, and there's a lot of people who follow me on social media. It's not easy to keep a secret like this.

"I just don't know how to tell him. I haven't even spoken to him since the day he started tour."I mumble, flipping through pages about cribs and bedding sheets.

"Does Gracie know?"

"I dunno, haven't talked to her much either. She's, uh, caught up in Luke lately."I shrug it off. It actually hurts a little. But I can't really blame her. She's the girlfriend of Luke Hemmings, lead singer of 5 Seconds Of Summer. She has her own problems to deal with, so why should she be focused on mine?

"You have to tell someone, doll, cause I'm not always gonna be able to remember things as easily as I did today."my mom sighs out, grabbing my hand along with my attention.

She looks at my eyes and I can tell she's serious. "I'm not always gonna be here, Hayley-"

"Mom, don't say that-"

"-it's true, and you know it. I'm getting older and I'm slowly slipping away every day. One day, you're gonna walk in and bring the book and everything and I still won't remember you. Hayley, I need you to know that in the future when I'm not here, that everything is important. Okay? Always tell the people you love how you feel exactly when you feel it because everything matters in life. I know you and Calum aren't on the best of terms right now, but you should tell him about the baby anyways because of multiple reasons. Either way, just tell the man. Tell him how you feel, tell him what you want and need from him, and do it before it's too late. There's only so much time before we all forget things and before you know it, we forget each other! So, as soon as you leave me today, Hayley, I want- no- I need you to talk to Calum."my mom concludes.

"Mom, I- I cant! I just-"

She grips onto my hand and stares me straight into my eyes with the most serious look in her eyes. "Yes, you can, and you will. You know why? One, because momma ain't raise no bitch, and two because it's my dying wish. You have to do this, if not for me, do it for the baby."she whispers.

My eyes are burning with hot tears, threatening to spill.

She's riiiiight.

"Okay, momma,"I sigh bravely and nod, "I'll talk to him."


"Alright! That you L.A! We love you! Goodnight!"Luke sighs us off, we play the last few notes and join each other in the front part of the stage.

I wear a proud smile on my face as we look out at the crowd. Our fans are screaming and smiling, joy and happiness is on everyone's faces, including mine.

We take our last bow before standing back up and rushing to the back, and removing our headsets and earpieces.

"That was fucking amazing! We smashed it!"Michael shouts, throwing his fists in the air. I smile and nod along as the guys cheer loudly as we make our way down the halls.

"Did you see the crowd? Did you see how many people that was? They were all so amazing and beautiful!"Ashton laughs out. "I think someone threw their bra at Calum."Luke comments, chuckling. My cheeks turns red but I shrug it off.

"Fans, they're just weird."I mumble.

"Hey, man, what's wrong?"Michael asks, noticing my quietness. I shrug. "Nothing, just exhausted."I lie and smile. He nods. "You should be, from all those notes you were hitting."Ashton chuckles. I smile and nod.

We make it to the room and before Luke can open the door, Gracie swings it open with wide eyes.

"Calum, you're phone- um- call- uh-"

"What? What's up?"I raise an eyebrow. She lets us all in and runs a hand through her hair.

"Hayley called you like 2 minutes ago."she whispers. We all exchange scared glances. "Did she leave a voicemail? Or a text? Anything?"Ashton queries. I keep my fingers crossed as Gracie lifts my phone from the couch.

She places it in my hand and looks up at me nervously.

I look down at the device in my hand and see the notification, and my heart leaps out of my chest.

Voicemail from: Hayley💔💍

"She left a voicemail, should I listen to it?"I whisper, looking at everyone. Michael rolls his eyes. "Obviously yes, go! Listen to it!"he laughs. I nod and walk to the other side of the room and click on it, listening to her voice.

"Calum, hey..."



just a filler lol

I skipped 3 months bc I'm too lazy to write out a whole fcking 8-9 chapters about her pregnancy

update: i still feel like shit


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