Cam's video

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Okay so I will say some things that Cameron's said but probably not all things because he probably talks to fast or it's just me ...

It's just me i guess

1.he hasn't posted any for all time because he is busy (fuckin me 😜) it's just the events like going to the airport to the hotel to the event then to the hotel to the airport and stuff

2.has a website not because some dipshit took that one

But he has clothing and stuff for us ppl to buy, it's a website for ppl that doesn't know alot about him

3.he sighed up with awesomeness TV

4.hes happy

5. A game (I don't understood his ass ) well he's ass is big but you get me ... No okay

6.he has acting classes because he's too stupid ... Jk but he does have acting classes

7. The dumb ass needs to read more books and improve his vocabulary and memory

8.he listen to books instead of reading (lazy ass )

9. He wants to start a book club

Go to

10.Monday - video

Tuesday - the book club (just a idea)

Wednesday - callmecam

Friday - follow me cam

Follow his ass on social medias

So yeah 👍👌

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