Chapter Nine

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When the morning song birds started their tune. Francis slowly opened his eyes.
By now, a few weeks have passed and the pair have been rather close.

A hum left Francis and he tightened his hold on the young omega and yawned.

"Hmm... Francis.. too tight.." Arthur mumbled out and started to wiggle around.
A growl left Francis and he pulled Arthur back, but his hold lightened.

"Morning to you too runt.." Francis mumbled and nuzzled against Arthur before letting him go.

"Don't call me that.." Arthur whined some and sat up slightly.

By now, the cropping had been changed. It was more a home than a hole in the rock and dirt.
Over the weeks, Francis had taken time to take many things from the abandoned village.
Francis didn't know much on building, but managed to build him and his omega a sustainable home.

"I'll call you as I please." Francis said and stretched out.
A faint whine left Arthur and he sat up some.

"Yes?" Francis asked, but remembered what Arthur wanted.

"Ah, come here then." He sat up and waved the omega to sit in his lap, which Arthur did.

"So needy.. can't wait to see you when you finally get your heat." He growled softly and gave Arthur a kiss.

"When I do.. I can't wait to see how horny you'll get." Arthur huffed softly and nuzzled Francis.

It had been a long time since Francis had rutted. The alpha was almost always horny, but didn't touch himself or Arthur. He was going to wait.

Francis huffed as well and moved his nose back to Arthur's scent gland.

"Hmm.. I need to remark you.." He murmured and kissed the gland.

"Are you going to ask this time..?" Arthur muttered some, either way he was happy that Francis wanted him. Back when he lived with his brothers, no one would give him the light of day. Mostly due to his brother's threats.

"Hmm. No." Francis gave a faint growl and started to rub against the omega again, leaving his scent.
Arthur didn't put up much of a fight. He simply sat through the process.

"Much better." Francis hummed and tested the scent again before giving a growl.
He let go of Arthur and sighed.

"What wrong?" He asked and slipped off the Alpha's lap.

"Just.. hurry up and be mature already." He huffed and crawled outside.

Arthur sighed and laid back down. He understood Francis's frustration. He knew the alpha wanted something good to get off to and him still being a so called "pup" wasn't what Francis wanted.
In a way, it frustrate Arthur as well. He wanted to help and honestly deal with his own developing hormones.

"Arthur, get out here." Francis call sounded rather annoyed.
Huffing Arthur wiggled his way out and into the dull light of morning. He sneezed and looked around.

"Yes?" He asked in confusion and Francis huffed.

"Get decent, we have a guest." He muttered and threw a large shirt at him.

"I see he's still not fully developed." A hauntingly familiar voice spoke.

Arthur froze and his head whipped in the direction.
There sat the ghost of an alpha, his narrowed red eyes watching Arthur's every move.

"Gilbert. Leave him be." Francis huffed and sat down. He acted as if there was no problem, but to Arthur there was.

"Francis.. can.. I just stay in th-"

"Non." Francis cut his words off and gave a growl to show he wasn't going to baby him. At least not infront of Gilbert.

"Seems pretty submissive. What did you do to get him like that?" Gilbert asked with a slight grin.

"Simple. It's called not being an asshole." Francis stated and noticed Arthur's shaking. He didn't do anything about it. He couldn't with Gilbert watching them with blood red eyes.

"Cute." Gilbert grumbled and took his eyes away from Arthur and turned them to Francis.

"Mind if I have him for a bit, I'm sure you used him eno-"

"No. You can not have him and I haven't spoiled his youth. Now if this is what you tracked us down for then I wish you a fair travel." Francis words were strong and held a threat to them.

Gilbert growled and stood up rather quickly, causing the other alpha to stand and hold his ground.

The two males glared one another down. Growls and snarls leaving the pair. Neither on would simply back down, not yet.

Arthur backed away, he knew more than well not to be in the middle of such things. It was no place for an omega.

"Go." Francis growled and stepped forward. Gilbert only stood his ground and snarrled.

"Gilbert. I don't want to fight you. But if you do not bac-" his words were cut off at Gilbert's lunge.

The two males crashed onto the ground in a snarrling mess.
A fearful cry left the omega and he hid in the cropping, his eyes wide with fear. Tears streaked his cheeks as he watched the males go head to head.

The males struggled against one another, kicking, clawing, biting, and punching. The fight only seemed to escalate as the two Alpha's tried to fight for domance and for the omega.

A pained screech left the blond alpha and he reared backwards, kicking Gilbert hard in the jaw before lunging once more at him.
Gilbert gave a furious howl and bit down into Francis's shoulder, causing the male to rip his shoulder way and slam the other back down.

A low snarrling noise left Francis as he hovered over Gilbert, teeth bared like a wild animal he snarrled once more.

He growled.
With a low growl, Gilbert roughly shoved Francis off of him and went to lung at him again, but stopped.
The cold blue eyes holding the alpha down. Red and blue clashed in a narrow glare before Gilbert looked away with a loud huff.

"Whatever. Keep your mangy brat." He growled and stood, causing Francis himself to stand up with a low growl.

"Get out of here and don't come back." And with that Francis turned his back on Gilbert, who growled in response to that action.
With out another word, the defeated alpha stalked away with a bitter feeling looking over his head.
Francis used to be his friend, his brother in arms and now, this omega was the center of attention.
He left the French alphas territory, but one day; he planed on coming back to settle the score.

Once Gilbert was out of view, Francis checked the air before heading over to the more defined cropping.

"Arthur?" He asked softly, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Its okay now.." He murmured and pushed his way inside. Giving a small grunt of pain in doing so. He looked around and found his omega.
The omega was tightly curled up against the back wall. Faint whimpers left the brit's shaking body.
When Francis was fully inside the place they called home, he scooted closer to Arthur.

"Lapin, com he-" before he could finish, the omega shoved his head into Francis's chest and gave a wail.
The alpha grunted before pulling the omega into his hold and rocking him.

"Shhh... it's alright now." He said softly and stroked Arthur's ragged hair.

A small wince left Francis when Arthur's head moved to his shoulder. He ignored the pain in his wounds and tried his best to keep Arthur calm.

This would be a long day. Francis knew this. He had to keep Arthur from being paranoid, clean and patch his wounds. He also wanted to leave this spot. He knew Gilbert well and his scenes told him the alpha would be back.

Hetalia+Omegaverse: An Omega Named Arthur Where stories live. Discover now