Chapter 16: Resurface

Start from the beginning

"And we shift over to the other half of the stage, where Amber is in her bedroom," said Mike. "Talking to Edna Turnblad on the phone."

Julie: My name is Mike.
Ryder: Mike?

I looked up at Mike and he grinned.

Julie: Yes, Mike. 
Ryder: Mike who?
Julie: It's Mike! Anyway... 

I cleared my throat as it said to do on the script, but Marley spoke before I could read my next line. "I'm sorry," she said. "We need to stop."

"What?" I said.

"She's doing fine," Ryder told her. I blushed and looked at Marley.

"Not you," she explained. "Me. I'm sorry Finn, but I can't play Penny."

"Why not?" asked Finn.

"Marley," said Jake, "if this has anything to do with me, I'm--"

"Not everything is about you!" she burst. Then she creased her forehead and shook her head as she said, "Guys, I'm really sorry. I just have too much going on and I think I should switch to a smaller role on this one."

"Who would play Penny?" asked Mike.

"Umm..." said Marley, looking around at our main cast. "Amity. Amity can do it."

"What?" said Amity, who probably felt as though she'd just been thrown under a bus. "No I can't."

"Yes you can," Marley told her.

"No, I really can't," Amity insisted. "Besides, I'm playing Penny's mom, I can't--"

"You have time to learn my lines," said Marley. "And I'll learn yours. We'll switch."

"I really can't," Amity repeated. But Marley was already looking pleadingly at her. We all watched them intensely as they exchanged glances. Then Amity sighed. "Yeah, okay," she said. "I'll switch roles."

Marley sighed, too, but with relief. "Thank you so much," she told her.


"Now, before we get into choreography," said Mike the next Monday. "We need to talk wardrobe. So I've brought an expert." He extended his arms in a voila way as Tina walked onto the stage. We were in the auditorium, hoping to finally act out some of the numbers.

"Queen T!" Unique exclaimed as she and Kitty rushed over to hug her. We greeted her with warmth and she smiled widely.

"Hi!" Tina shrieked with excitement. "I'm here to help you guys prepare your outfits. We're mostly going to be changing up some of the things from Grease last year and making them work, but there are some outfits that I'll need to make specifically for this show."

"The reason we're doing this now and not later," said Mike, "is that we need to make sure you all can dance in your wardrobe. Especially Kitty and Ryder."

"Right," said Kitty with a grin. "The fat suit."

"You guys also need to diet, please," said Tina. "Last year we had wardrobe issues and--"

Marley's face was flushed. I thought smoke might escape from her ears. 

"Umm..." Tina mumbled. "Just stay healthy okay?" She looked around for something to move onto. "Umm... So Amity, we're going to have to get some extensions on you to make the Penny pigtails and, uh, Kitty, I'm not sure if the guys want you in a wig or they'll just let you stay blonde but, uh... Oh, Julie!" She turned to me, snapping her fingers and startling me. "That hair has got to go, though. Amber has to be blonde. As does her mom." She turned to Sugar.

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