Chapter Thirty

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Rayne's Pov

I nervously wring my hands around the hem of my shirt. To say I was a wreck is an understatement. After hearing Law's plan of how he's going to become a shichibukai I'm beginning to doubt his sanity. I would doubt his morality but at the same time I know that for the most part he has no morals. 

Hands land on mine, "Calm down." Looking up I see Law staring down at me. "If it bothers you so much then stay on the sub."

I shake my head, annoyed, "I'm going. If you're going to try and pull off this crazy scheme then I'm going to be there to either help you succeed or die trying."

"Don't. We're not going to die."

I smile bitterly, "You can't promise that. I mean we're going to take on the darkest gathering place of the scum of the pirate world."

"Stop worrying about it, get some sleep." I nod and kiss him on the cheek.

"Alright, I'm going to go and take a nap. Let me know if something else comes up. 

Going into the bedroom I lay down on the bed and curl up, cramps are a bitch. I'm not honestly sure what was wrong with me beyond that unlucky time but lately everything just felt overwhelming. It scared me honestly. In just a few days everything will be decided. Either Law becomes a Shichibukai then our plans further or we were all going to die. It's something that's out of my control and that scares me.

Law's Pov

Law sighs as he leans back in his chair, taking a shot of whiskey down his gullet. The next few days were going to go hell, that was certain. He did have his doubts about going into battle with his crew but that was only a small fear, one he could lock away. It was only one problem in an evergrowing list of them. 

Another problem was Rayne going into battle alongside them. It wasn't like he doubted her ability to be smart and fight but it was the fact that they were going into this battle outnumbered. Rayne was becoming a skillful fighter but even those odds could kill her. She still was new to battles and often would make mistakes that could potentially get her killed. If that happened, Law really didn't know what he would do. He didn't want to find out either. 

"Captain, we're a day and a half out." Tema says from his place.

Law nods, "Alright, set the course and then turn in early, we have a long day coming tomorrow."

"Aye captain."

Once everything had been set Law then gets up to go and get to bed. Hopefully Rayne would still be awake when he got there. Lately he had begun to also worry about her mental state. For some reason everything was getting to her worse than normal. There were times where she would even burst into tears at the smallest thing someone said. He didn't even know what to say to be honest. He'd tried to talk with her about it earlier but she just blushed and dismissed the conversation.

Going into the room he finds her curled up reading a book. 

For a moment he stops just admiring her beauty. Sure she wasn't the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen or even been with but she was beautiful in her own right. Her hair had that classic 'controled chaos' look to it that he loved. Not to mention she could hold her own and was interested in the things he was. She was indeed the woman that he would stay with the rest of his life.

"Hey." He says coming in finally and shutting the door behind him. 

She gives him a soft smile, "Hey, I take it everything is set?"

"We'll be there in a day and a few spare hours."

He can feel her watching him as he gets changed and smirks, "Oh okay then." She says and goes back to her book. 

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now