Chapter Two

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When I woke up I was aware of two things; one: that my body hurt pretty bad and two: there was a huge piece of paper on my bed side table. Slowly reaching over I picked up the paper and saw that it was a note from a certain pirate.

See you later on tonight – Law

 Pushing aside the feeling of dread that I had I just continued on with my day. Getting up I painfully squeezed into the dress that was laid out for me and then I headed on downstairs. Upon my arrival in the dining room I saw that my father and mother were already there. Sitting down beside my father immediately both of their attentions were on me.

"How are you feeling?" My father immediately asked.


"Ahem." My mother cut in.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "I am a bit sore but this will not hinder me from my duties."

My father nodded, "Very well, how did you escape the predicament?"

"I was saved by a p-erfectly nice citizen." I cursed inwardly at almost saying the famous Heart Pirate's name.

"Do you know this saviors name?"

"No father I'm sorry but I do not."

Suddenly my mother gleefully clapped her hands, "Then we shall hold a party in order to celebrate your safe return as well as your birthday and hopefully to have your savior arrive!"

My father and I both grimaced; mother always had a way of going overboard with parties. Neither of us fancied the way she made us dress up for the formal events. "Uh... mother I don't think that is such a good idea..."

"Nonsense Rayne, I want to meet the wonderful man that saved you."

"How do you know it's a man?"

Mother gave me a sly look, "Trust me darling, I know."

   Sighing I shut up as she got up to go and begin planning the party. Slumping slightly down into the chair as she left my father and I both looked at one another with depressed expressions. This was going to be a long night tonight.


"Now Rayne don't scowl like that, it's unbecoming." My mother said.

   Taking in a deep breath I painted a smile on my face just to get her to turn around. Once she did I was tugging at my waist where the dress was synched the tightest. Pulling at the pink, frilly monstrosity known as a dress I attempted to provide enough room to breathe easier alas my tugging had no effect.

   My mother was flouncing around her chamber picking up pieces of jewelry to 'match' my 'lovely' dress. The party was already going on downstairs and she was still trying to get me ready. The maids had washed me, put on the dress, fixed my makeup and hair, and then helped me put on my incredibly uncomfortable heels before allowing my mother to take over.

"Mother we will be unfashionably late if we do not hurry." I gently reminded her.

"Oh I know darling. Here, let me put these on you and then you shall be ready."

   Coming over to me she placed an elegant tiara in my hair before putting a pearl necklace on me. Taking a moment to scrutinize my appearance she must have been satisfied with it because she made a little contented noise before whirling me around to walk toward the party.

   Everyone was staring at me as I began my semi-dangerous descent on the stairs. Even though I had been trained to walk in heels from a very young age I still hated to have to wear them. Making it to the bottom of the floor, mother and I both walked to stand next to father.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now