Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Rayne's Pov

"Law are you serious?" I gasp. We'd managed to get rid of Ace and Luffy on a day ago. As it was right now the two of us were in bed for the night. However I was shocked to hear Law's latest plan. Ever since I'd stolen those papers Law had been focused on getting his revenge on Doflamingo.

"If I want to become a Shichibukai then I need to make my point grand, something that is impressive enough to make them want my talents."

"But to take the hearts of a hundred pirates? Law, how is this even possible?"

"Rocky Port is going to come up soon if we head West. That's a notorious pirate island. All we have to do is box them in and from there I'll have everything I need."

Curling up into his side I place my head on his chest and close my eyes, "If you think this is the best way then okay, I'll follow you through this."

"Good, then we'll set a course for it tomorrow and start putting the plan into action." Law's arm pulls me even further into his side and I can't help but smile. Sure this is a crazy ass idea but if Law says he's got it worked out then it will. 


"Rayne come drink with usssssssss!" Claire slurs as she and Cyrus hold up a cup of alcohol.

I laugh and wave them off, going back into the kitchen to get something to eat. For some reason I was ravenous despite eating breakfast not too long ago. Skirting around Oz and Darwin as they cooked up a storm I reach into one of the coolers and pull out an apple. Munching on it I sigh happily and give a wave to the cooks on the way out. As much as I don't mind the kitchen, it's too hot for me.  

Going back out into the galley I start heading up onto the deck when I run into a tall, fierce looking man. He was huge, so tall that I actually had to look up to see his face. He has flame-shaped tattoos placed perfectly to his forehead and what looked to be a scar above the eye on his right side. His teeth were bared, making him look even fiercer than he was. Also there were large sideburns lining his face and there was a long, spiky mane too. All in all this was a man I'd never seen before.

Gasping I immediately shoot a kick up toward his face. The man dodges it with impressive speed and then stares at me confused. Darting around his side I manage to get behind him and I have a piece of scrap metal in hand. Using my momentum from spining around him, I raise the piece of metal and go to slam it right into his side. 

"Rayne no!"

Before I have a chance to stab this intruder Shachi and Penguin are restraining me, "Guys let go! Can't you see we have an intruder?" I yell at them, disbelieving that they were going to go and let him get away.

"Uh miss..." The big man starts.

"Miss Rayne, this is not an intruder. Rather, this is Jean Bart, our newest recruit." Law says as he arrives to survey the situation.

I go limp and Shachi and Penguin drop their hold on me. Turning around I survey the tall man to see the confused expression on his face and then to see the partially-amused expression on Law's face. Whoops, I guess he really was part of the crew...

"Oh, well then... I'm sorry."

Jean Bart shrugs, "It's okay, I've heard about what's happened to you. I'm surprised you didn't take my head off sooner."

"Had then been but a few seconds later, I would have."

For a moment we lock gazes before nodding and he walks off. I watch him go, surprised that he can actually maneuver without hitting his head on the ceiling. Hearing a throat clear I look back to see Law disappearing back into the infirmary and the rest of the crew looking at me. My brows furrow in confusion.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now