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"Katy? Is that you?" Tamra questioned with a genuinely confused look.
I giggled and nodded my head as my nose crinkled. "Yep, it's me Tamra, it's Katy!"
"Are you sure?" Tamra said. "I mean, you died like 2 weeks ago, you can't be here right now! What's going on?"
I smirked. "I'm a ghost, Tamra. A ghost!" I laughed. "It's honestly amazing being a ghost. I can do what I want. It's so fun, really. Look, I can make my hair grow back to black!"
Tamra watched as my short blonde pixie cut grew into long black locks.
"Why would you want to do that?" Said Tamra.
I shrugged. "Nobody really liked my new style. I got so much hate from cutting it, you know that." Tears welled up in my eyes, remembering how happy I was giving my hair a brand new style and receiving so much backlash from it. I remembered crying myself to sleep after giving the public what they want, but it was somehow never enough.

Tears started to roll down my face as these painful memories started coming back to me.
"Katy," Tamra asked. "What's wrong?"
Suddenly I went from quiet, small cries to choking and snotty sobs. "The public never liked what I did," I sobbed. "Especially when I tried my best, nobody ever liked what I did. It's like everyone had a problem with at least something. And I can't even die in peace now, there's going to be either someone grieving and someone celebrating. I just want to have lived a peaceful life and ended it peacefully too."

"Katy," Tamra said. "It's okay! You know what society is like nowadays-it's 2018! And they're only acting up so more people would like them. Anyway, of course people would be grieving! I definitely am, and so are the rest of your friends and family!" I sniffed. "That's true. Society is really fucking annoying!" I laughed. "Oh and of course, your fans miss you! You should see Twitter. There's a hashtag trending! They miss you, Katy! Your KatyCats!"
That set me off. I almost forgotten how much I love my KatyCats, I mean if it weren't for them who knows where I could be!

Well, would be, anyway.

i'll update this tomorrow maybe but im posting this unfinished chapter for now bc i haven't updated in like 98 years i yelled! also im seeing katy in 5! days! holy fucking shit im screaming

Ghost|A Katy Perry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now