We have to Save what We Love

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~A/n: This is NOT mine! I found this on Tumblr from an account named, "Mother-of-porgs" but I thought this was a really interesting ending for Episode IX that I would like. I have many different alternate endings for Episode ix that I'll share with ya'll later in these Oneshots. ~

The Resistance has him, and they want his head. They want Rey to end it, kill the Supreme Leader; it'll end the war.

"Rey, it's alright, it's better this way, you can do this," Ben says softly, as he lowers his head and accepts his fate.

He had been so wrong, and now he must pay for what he did. Rey will make things right now.

General Dameron keeps a tight hold on his lightsaber. It too will be destroyed after the execution.

Rey's grip tightens around the hilt of her trembling blade. She looks all around her, at the crowd of Resistance affiliated soldiers and workers all screaming for his blood. She can feel their hatred the thirst for revenge. It is at that same moment she finds her resolve, for better or worse her decision has been made.

"I know what I have to do," she says to him.

Ben swallows but refuses to close his eyes. Her face is the only thing he wants to see before he dies.

"I won't do this," she says as she takes a step back.

There are several gasps from the crowd followed by a low grumble of whispers that ultimately turn into curses and shouts.

"Traitor!!" They yell, but Rey stands firm, deactivating he saber.

"This isn't how we end this!" She try's to tell them but the mob mentality is taking hold, and they can't hear her.

The Resistance soldiers nervously tighten their grip on the stock of their blaster rifles as the crowd begins to break through the barriers. Blows are traded as the soldiers try in vain to keep them back.

They want their justice even if they have to kill her too.

Poe shouts for calm over the crowd, but it's no use.

This isn't like before, Rey quickly realizes. She and Ben can't take on a crowd of a thousand. But Rey won't go down without a fight. In one swift movement, she reactivates her saber staff and cuts Ben free of his restraints. He stands up, his eyes locked on hers as he calls his lightsaber. It rips itself straight out of Poe's grip into his hand.

Once again he and Rey turn back to back.

He hears Rey let out a startled laugh and can't comprehend what could be funny in a moment like this.

"I guess you were right!" She calls to him over her shoulder.


"I do turn and stand by your side."

Despite their impending doom Ben smiles and says, "I think we were both right, from a certain point of view."

Suddenly a familiar sound breaks over the roar of the crowd, the Falcon. It lands in the middle of the arena flanked by several First Order troop transports.

Rey and Ben hold their positions both believing this war is far from over and is about to get a lot messier.

Finn exits the Falcon just as the transport doors drop and hundreds of Stormtroopers take a defensive stance on the arena floor.

For a horrifying moment, Rey thinks Finn is about to be shot, but the Stormtroopers stop at his back and hold their blasters at the crowd. Everything and everyone stops. The Resistance holds not wanting to shoot Commander Finn nor wishing to be shot themselves.

"Stop!" Finn yells.

Rose joins him at his side, "We can't keep doing this!"

A dead silence settles except for the crackle of two lightsabers.

"We won't end this war by killing Kylo Ren, or each other," Finn says as he takes Roses' hand and finds Rey's eyes. A quiet understanding bridges the space between them.

He knows how Rey feels for Ben Solo, he didn't understand it when she told him and even was repulsed to hear her say the words but he loves his friend, and she loves Ben. Deep in his heart, he knows Rose was right that fateful day on the salt plains of Crait. It's just them now, and they need to set things right.

Rey uses her free hand to grab Bens' as they both turn to face Finn.

Finn nods to Rey, "We have to save what we love."

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