The Cave / "It's You"

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~A/n: This imagine is about Rey going into the cave in Ach-too, to find out who her parents are. She see's two figures form into one and that figure put's their hand onto her's. But when it clears she instead see's herself. Weeeelllll, we all know that image was Ben Solo so I'm just gonna change the scene for how it should have been, hehe ; ) Enjoy loves! ~

Rey walked closer to the icy-like, rock wall, her heart pounding with anticipation. This is where she would find answers. This is where she'd find out who her parents were. She  took a deep breath. She stretched out her hand towards the rock wall, eyes wide.

"Let me see them," she whispered. "My parents . .  .please." she continued. She touched the rock wall and then it cleared. Like blowing away a fog.  Two dark figures walked towards her, suddenly merging into one. Rey stood there confused but also hopeful. Maybe one of her parents were gone. This figure was tall, broad and walked in a familiar way. She continued to hope that it was her parent or someone . . . .and indeed it was someone. The dark figure was eye to eye with her now and placed its hand onto hers. The wall cleared it's mist to reveal a familiar face. Ben Solo. Not Kylo Ren, but Ben. Rey gasped and stepped back. Soon after, the image of Ben faded away and the rock wall was normal again.  


Rey was sitting down with a thick woven blanket around her, eyes glistening with tears. Kylo sat across from her, listening intently to everything she said. 

"I thought I'd find answers here." she said. 

"And did you?" Kylo asked in a soft way. Rey looked up at him nervously. 

"Yes," she answered. Kylo waited for her to go on. And suddenly Rey remembered something that Maz had told her when she had seen that vision after touching Luke's lightsaber. "Whom ever you are looking for, they're never coming back. But . . . .there is someone who still could." Rey finally understood what Maz was saying now. "It's you," Rey said, her eyes looking straight into his. Kylo's eyes shot up and he stared at her in astonishment and confusion. 

"You're the answer." Rey said smiling a little. Kylo moved a little in his seat. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." He protested. 

"Ben, we can help each other. We can make each other happy again." Rey said with longing. She could see the wanting in his eyes, the longing to be with her, but she knew Snoke was holding him back. 

"I uh, . . . .Ben is not here. He's gone." Kylo said. 

"I don't believe that. I believe he's here right now. He comes out of you whenever you are around  . . me." Rey said wanting to take it back the moment she said it. Kylo wanted to protest but he knew it was true. He couldn't help it when he was around her. He changed when he was with her. Suddenly, Rey stretched out her hand towards Kylo, her heart pounding. He let out a slow breath and slowly took his black gloves off, not taking his eyes off of her. They stretched out their hands towards another until their fingers touched. Instantly, they felt a spark between them and both of them started breathing heavily. Rey saw Ben, she saw Ben in Kylo's future. She knew he would turn. She stood up, and so did Kylo. She drew closer to him until they were inches apart. Without a warning she wrapped her arms around him, making him jump a little. He stiffened as she lay her head on his chest, hugging him tightly. Slowly, he loosened up and started breathing again. Rey felt his strong arms wrap around her small body and she smiled. No matter how many times Kylo said no, she knew that Ben Solo was within him. She knew he would be redeemed and she was determined  to help him turn. 

~A/n: I bet you if Luke didn't interrupt them, they would have hugged. And I would have died and loved it and fjdkljfdkajafl. But anyway, what did ya'll think? :D~

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