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Two Days after that Little Conan still was depressed. And his friends had no idea why.

"Oh come on, Conan. Stop being so depressed. You're never like this...!"

Ayumi tried to cheer him up, but nothing worked. Even Ran tried it, and all of his friends but no one could help him cheer up again.

Then, somehow, they found out it began after the concert they had attended. And tried to contact Aiko because they wanted to see if she could cheer him up again.

They had gotten an appointment with her manager and Aiko herself for the next day, already, and had told Conan already.

Just the thought of meeting her again cheered him up again to the point he was jumping around the Mouris house due to joy flooding his small body.

I'll see her again!

Was the only thought on his mind.


Aiko and Hideo were just going for a walk outside. Alone, since Mamoru was at school during this time of the day.

Everything was going smooth for the two. Their relationship was supported by both of their managements and most of their fans, too.

Like said before: Everything was going smoothly for them. At least it was until now.

While they were walking the pair was coming across a dark alley.


Someone had found out about a past "relationship" between Kudo and Fujiwara. And they were not happy with it. At all.

They had Found Out that she and Shinichi had a date two years before.

But they didn't find out that this date never happened. They just assumed that the relationship didn't work out and that they broke up because of that.

And that's the reason they thought he is still caring for her. Which wasn't wrong.


As Aiko and Hideo were now coming across this alley Aiko was pulled inside. Her hands were held tightly that she couldn't escape.

Hideo, of course, noticed this and tried getting her back but what he got wasn't his love. What Hideo had gotten was a gun held to his head.

"If you don't want something to happen to you or her, you better leave now, Akagi."

He didn't know how they knew about them taking a walk and being in that area and he most certainly didn't want to know.

Though Hideo didn't want to leave Aiko told him something that stayed in his brain. Even months after and longer.

What she had said before the guy behind her held her mouth closed sent a shudder down Hideo's back.

"Go, please. I don't want anything to happen to you or Mamoru. And please, think about Mamoru and what would be happening to him if something happened to you~...Mhm!"

She was telling him to not think about her but to think about his little brother first.

Her eyes kept on telling him this while her mouth couldn't anymore.

As Hideo slowly backed away he saw how a third person gave his love a mysterious pill making her fall down unconscious.

His eyes widened when they shoved him out of the alley and he lost sight of Aikos broken form.

Instead of going back and risking his life he left and started running to the nearest police station.

Back with Aiko and the mysterious guys in the alley they left her not moving body lying there.

"She's not going to survive. Just like that annoying teen detective two years ago."

Aiko heard this before she wasn't able to realise anything from outside her thoughts anymore because of the pain she was experiencing.

'It feels like... My body is... Burning... Everything h-hurts... so much...!'

Her brain couldn't even register completely what the gangsters had said before everything was gone.

The pain. It suddenly was gone. Like she had never experienced anything.

Of course, she was able to remember everything but at the moment her brain couldn't process anything.

Here body felt like it was melting. Aiko felt as if she only was a puddle on the ground by now.

A while after Hideo got to the police he came back. Alone.

The policemen only laughed at him. They didn't believe him. And he didn't even know why.

When he saw that Aikos body wasn't there anymore he nearly thought he was going insane.

But Hideo shook that off and thought for a moment.

Who could he go to? Someone that wouldn't laugh at him.

Then it hit him:
Hideo would go to the famous private detective.

He was his -probably- last hope. Especially since the police wouldn't do anything until Aikos management would come and tell them the same.

Maybe not exactly the same. They would probably tell them she had disappeared and is missing.

But that could take a while.

But that was the reason Hideo would note be going to the one person he just knew would help him.


"Conan! Your friends are here! They want you to come outside to play. Come on now- Oh, hello. I guess you came to see my father?!"

As Conan comes down he sees a panting soccer player. He's nodding at Ran who tries leading him into her father's office.

Which is proved to be difficult since three children are at his feet, practically swooning over him.

A minute later they had finally made it inside the office and sat down, waiting for the great detective to come outside the bathroom wherever he was.

A new face [Shinichi/Conan X OC X Hideo Akagi] Detective ConanWhere stories live. Discover now