Chap Three

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"a grave mistake"

The next day, as I was getting books from my locker, a hand planting itself next to my locker jolted me out of my usual reverie. Who the fuck?

"My, my, aren't we jumpy these days Ava?"

I internally groaned, Vance, captain of the chess club and comic book addict, he's the literal stereotype of a nerd, except that he doesn't look like one, he's more of a hobo than a nerd, his glasses take up way too much space on his face, and his sense of fashion is either baggy, wool, or plaid. Which are all so outdated and clearly a heinous fashion crime.

"What do you want Vance?" I said while still grabbing books from the top shelf, I skip formalities or all forms of politeness with him, because much like a certain Campbell character, he annoys the hell out of me. Except that he doesn't antagonize me, he's a bit obsessed with me.

Ruby, the school's gossip column, I swear the girl is almost similar to the actual Gossip Girl, she knows everything about everyone, and well, let's just say that she told me that besides worshipping daily releases of new Marvel paperback comics, he keeps pictures of me tucked in his notebooks, binders, books, comics and even in his wallet. Others say that he might even have a shrine dedicated to me in some hidden compartment in his locker, which was ridiculous, but with the way he frequently hovers over me, it's not impossible.

And just listening to how sickeningly high-pitched his voice is, I don't even want to look at the runway abomination that he is.

"Well, you and I are in the same English class, right?"

I chose not to respond, just absentmindedly rifling my fingers through my stuff, hoping he would hurry up, get the hint that I don't want him around and leave me alone.

"And, Miss Abernathy said that we needed to partner up for a project, and I was looking for a partner, and well, I got word that you were still available, and I was going to ask.."

I bet his usage of available meant very differently, if not by how he put an extra tone in the word as if air quoting it, and if he thinks I'm going to accept his offer, I might as well drag my own body six feet under.

"Uh, I was actually doing the project individually, I kind of asked Miss Abernathy about it, and she said yes, and - " he cut me off instantly, "I knew you were going to say that, and Miss Abernathy said she isn't allowing anyone to perform the task individually, so it's either partner or no grade.

I was about to smack him silly for insisting it, recognizing his tone rising, like he was starting to realize that I was actually lying, and I was about to tell him off, but my eyes caught sight of a familiar flouncy brown hair, and my mind immediately rang warning bells, over my dead body.

"Well, Ava? What is it?"

I shut my eyes in impatience and clutched my books tightly, this little bugger isn't going to make it easy, and I could just smack him and have him humiliated, but right now was too early to start drama, and I don't want this going back to Ruby and have her weave some nonsense about me.

Fucking hell.

I slammed my locker shut and faced him with a death glare, he seemed to be affected by my stare because he stepped back a bit, his eyes growing wide, I waited for a few moments before reaching out and grabbing Noah by the collar of his polo and pulled him to my side.

"Noah and I are actually already partners, right Noah?" I nudged the surprised boy, he didn't answer after a few minutes, then turned his head to me and raised a questioning eyebrow.

I gave him a meaningful stare and subtly glanced at Vance, he looked at him too and slowly understood, he only rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Yeah Vance, we're already partnered up for that project. Sorry, guess you'll have to find someone else" Noah said in a very mechanical voice. Vance looked like he was about to argue but I just flashed him a small smile and walked away, dragging Noah with me.

"So, glitters, pick you up at 8?" Noah said sarcastically. "We're going to have to start on that project immediately if you want to get high marks like the perfect little troll you are"

I shoved him away and sashayed my way towards my first period, "I'll see you at lunch Campbell, and don't push your luck"

I was secretly hoping he didn't see my cheeks turn a shade pink after he said 'Pick you up at 8'. Shit, why did I blush? That wasn't supposed to be cute. Where's that numbness when you need it.


On top is Finlay Mcmillan, the actor I chose to portray Noah Campbell.

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