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Roman gulped when he was ready to explain why until Virgil quickly interrupted him. "You see, I hate you the most now, you know that, RIGHT?!" Virgil yelled still, more darkness surrounding him, which, Roman swore that he saw figures with purely white eyes just starting to wrap these dark strings around him... Mostly on his arms, legs and neck though...

Roman was dead scared at this point. Never in his life he'd think suddenly Virgil would snap like that. And stay that way. Virgil's voice did it's echo... Whenever he was maybe in extreme anxiety, he'd actually have it echo but with a dark edge to it. It always scared Roman about it. He saw more darkness surround him. "You're just as dumb as everyone here! YOU THINK YOU CAN HELP?!"

His eyes were open and now just Black, only white pupils... Nothing. Else. Roman tried to walk over to Virgil and try to speak but Virgil was not having it. "NO! SELF HARM WAS THE ONLY THING HELPING THEN YOU DECIDE TO COME ALONG AND TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING! YOU DID THIS! YOU'RE THE ONE TO BLAME!!" Roman was sure Logan and Patton were out by now.. They would've heard and came up here. But they haven't..

"AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I BET NO ONE WOULD EVEN CARE IF YOU SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED! YOU'RE SO DUMB AND JUST IMMATURE! I HOPE YOU DIE ALONG WITH YOUR DAMN EGO!!" Virgil spat at Roman, who had his eyes wide. He walked to Virgil a bit, even if it was a bad move, he just wanted to see if he would calm down if he apologised up close. But...

Virgil rose his fist up behind him, a angry look before yelling "I HATE YOU!" Before...


Knives -Prinxiety- (Rewritten, this is old)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora