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Being spammed, being threatened....wow....now I'm forced to continue. Ugh...Listen guys, if you want me to continue, DO NOT freaking threaten or spam me about it constantly, remember, I am lazy and won't get to things until later... So calm the hell down! It was really annoying and I was gonna discontinue this because of all the comments about this book being not updated and etc. the comments I liked we're the ones saying it was a good story, which I didn't mind, so next time guys, don't spam me "CONTINUE OR YOUR DEAD" and crap.

Virgil never heard princey say Virgil often, it was only when he was...maybe flirting... Or just for fun, But he was mad. So Virgil knew he fucked up. "VIRGIL,ANSWER ME PLEASE?" Princey sobs, he was actually sobbing...? Virgil was frozen, he couldn't move, if he tried to talk, it'd just stop him. He felt his heart start beating fast and aggressively, he gulps and starts hyperventilating, he was shaking badly and was having tears form and fall down his face. Princey breathed heavily as he grabs Virgil's hands. "Calm down!" Princey says, loud enough for him to hear.

Virgil shut his eyes tightly and was still hyperventilating, shaking and crying. He was caught.... And off guard. Princey hugged Virgil tightly and was whispering. "Shhh....Calm down, Virgil....please....." Virgil, somehow, managed to calm down from Roman's voice, he opened his eyes and saw his hand over Roman's shoulder, the blood slowly going down his wrists and dripping to the floor. "Now...tell me...why'd you self harm....?" Princey asked, calmly.

Knives -Prinxiety- (Rewritten, this is old)Where stories live. Discover now