Chapter 13

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*4 months later*

Chelseas POV

I walked into Bieber Enterprises, yes Justin did start a record label and its actually quite popular. I smiled at Aiden, Justins assistant. "Is he busy?" I asked

"Nope, go right ahead." He smiled

I began to walk towards the elevator when I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around I put a bag on Aidens desk, he looked up at me confused.

"Chicken salad and a tall mocha latte." I took the cup out of the cup carrier and he smiled

"Thanks Chelsea." He smiled

I walked over to the elevator and pushed the button, once it opened I stepped in and pressed the button for the 15th floor. The numbers on the screen rose, a beep with each one an finally the doors opened, I walked to the end of the hallway until I reached a big wooden door which had a plaque on it which said 'Justin Bieber CEO'. I knocked and heard Justin say come in.

"Hey babe." I smiled and he looked up from his desk

"Chels." He lite up as soon as he laid eyes on me

He made his way towards me and kissed me, he then took the bags and cup carrier from my hands and set them on his desk. I sat down and looked at his desk, he had a picture of us on our wedding day when we were at the reception and smashed cake all over each other. He had a ultra sound picture that we got just a few weeks ago, ill never forget that day.


I laid on the examination table, Justins hand clung to mine. The doctor came in and turned on the machine before putting the gel on my stomach, it sent chills all over my body with its coolness.

"Lets see a picture of this baby shall we?" She smiled and turned off the lights

She pressed the reader against my stomach and began to move it around, a heart beat filled the room and Justin smiled.

"Oh my!" The doctor smiled

"What?" I asked

"I hear and see 2 babies, congratulations your having twins!" She exclaimed and I gasped

I looked at Justin as tears welled in my eyes, he kissed my hand and wiped a fallen tear.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asked

I turned and looked at Justin "No, we want to be surprised." I said and she nodded

She wiped the gel off my stomach and turned the lights back on "Everything looks perfect, they are very healthy and are growing just as they should." She said and I let out a sigh of relief

She handed us a envelope with the pictures in it and we thanked her. Justin and I walked out to the car and got in.

"Were having twins." He breathed out and smiled

~end of flashback~

"Are you listening?" He said shaking my from my thoughts

"Uh no, sorry I was thinking." I looked up at him and he chuckled

"I asked what color we should paint the nursery." He took a bite of his sandwich

"I was thinking yellow or green, maybe like a african safari theme or jungle?" I said

"I like it! Sounds good." He nodded his head and wiped his mouth with a napkin

I felt a tiny kick in my stomach, you cant describe in words what it feels like its magical. I grabbed Justins hand from over the table and pressed it against the kicking.

Married To My Best Friend Justin Bieber *Book 3*Where stories live. Discover now