Any Day

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The door was flung open to reveal a huffing and puffing Blaise Zabini.

Blaise squealed in relief, "Oh thank Merlin, you came! And you brought-" his eyes lazily traveled to me and he seemed to have lost his train of thought.

I blushed, waving slightly at him, "Hey Blaise."

Blaise smiled a bit too big and laughed, "Tell ya what, Granger, you go on inside, I need to catch Draco here up on a few things before he can enter."

Hermione saw straight through that fake enthusiasm and into the annoyed features underneath his too big to be real grin.

Hermione sighed, ignoring it solely because she felt bad about the passing of his parents, "Whatever you say, Zabini."

She walked through the grand front doors and sighed as she heard Blaise immediately freak out, not even waiting until the door was closed. "Are you kidding me, Drake? Out of any girl, you decide to bring Granger?"

The door shut before Hermione got a chance to hear Malfoy's response.

Hermione swore under her breath.

You know, for the brightest witch of your age, you can be pretty thick in the head sometimes, the voice in her head countered.

Hermione paced the front entrance to the mansion, planning on how to escape without looking like a total jerk.

"Stomach pains? No, Malfoy would see right through me...." Hermione frowned, "Stubbed my toe? Oh for Merlin's sake, this is hopeless-"

"Granger?" a voice all but screamed.

Hermione spun around in alarm and her shoulders sagged in realization, "Hello, Pansy."

Pansy Parkinson stood at the top of a long flight of stairs, ready to strut her way down them in her incredibly short, green dress.

Hermione self consciously looked down to her own slytherin green dress before trying - and failing miserably- to slyly cover her dress.

Pansy didn't miss a thing, though, she smirked in response, "Never imagined the Gryffindor princess would even think of dressing in green."

Hermione scowled, annoyed with the all too familiar nickname, "Don't call me that. For the last time, I'm not the Gryffindor Princess."

Pansy elegantly made her way down the steps, even as Hermione was wishing she'd trip on every one and tumble down the stairs in a heap of green fabric and over applied makeup.

Pansy grinned, eyeing her dress, "Clearly."

Hermione folded her arms over her chest and sighed, "What are you doing here, anyways?"

Pansy looked taken aback, "You don't know?"

Hermione frowned, "Don't know what?"

Pansy picked at her perfectly painted nail, "I'm not surprised, wouldn't expect you to get out much anyway-"

Hermione's patience was wearing thin, "What the hell are you talking about, Parkinson?"

Pansy's eyes widened in shock but she quickly recovered, slipping a half hearted smirk onto her face as she slowly raised her left hand.

Hermione opened her mouth to respond when the front door slammed open, knocking her to the ground.

Hermione landed with an "Oof."

Blaise winced, "Ah, Granger! What were you doing behind the door?"

Hermione held a hand to her waist and grunted, standing straight up again, "What the hell were you doing throwing the door open like that?"

I Hate That I Love You -- DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now