Anytime, Granger

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Narcissa smiled to herself as she sat at the breakfast table, her son sitting to her right, eating as he read the daily prophet.

"Oh, Draco," Narcissa said, "I hope you haven't forgotten about the Zabini's banquet tonight. If you remember, you promised that you'd attend to support Blaise taking over for his parents," Draco swore under his breath.

Choosing to ignore it, Narcissa continued, "You also promised you'd have a date."

Draco looked up with wide eyes, "Since when?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Since three seconds ago. You're taking Hermione."

His jaw about fell to the floor and Narcissa shook her head at his manners, "Honestly Draco, close your mouth."

"Why do I have to take Granger?"

Narcissa arched an eyebrow at him, "She has a first name, just like you, It's not like she'll hex you if you use it."

Draco shook his head, "With her, that's actually pretty likely."

Narcissa shook her head, "No matter, when you attend the banquet, you are to call her as Hermione and nothing else. Do you understand me?"

Draco sighed but nodded, "Yes Mother," he huffed, "But why do I have to take her?"

Narcissa shrugged, "Is there a secret girlfriend you've felt the need to hide from me for the past year that you want to tell me about? Because if so, you may gladly go with her instead of Hermione."

Draco's face fell and Narcissa seemed pleased, "Wonderful. You'd better tell Hermione."

Draco looked like he was in pain as he shuffled across the floor to the steps and up them one at a time.

Narcissa grinned into her tea as she waited.

Hermione sat down on the edge of the guest bed, her knees pull up to her chest, arms locked around them and her face buried between her chest and her knees. She was sobbing while hyperventilating.

She hiccuped as she tried to slow down her breathing and calm down.

Images flashed through her brain.

Harry in Hagrid's arms, Lavender Brown laying in a puddle of blood on the ground, Fred's body collapsing as bricks tore from the wall and showered down on him.

An animal like gasp sounded from her and she coughed, she couldn't breathe, "Dammit."

She wiped at her tears, angry with how pathetic she was acting. She was so sick of waking up because of her nightmares. She was so sick of waking up alone.

She opened her eyes, for fear that if she kept them closed any longer, the images would come back and she'd be sucked back to the war.

Just about when her breathing was about to become semi-close to a normal person's breathing, a knock sounded at the door.

She immediately shot up from the bed, scrambling for her wand and holding out in front of her.

"Granger!" Malfoy's muffled voice called.

Hermione sighed in relief, her chest falling rapidly. She threw her wand onto the bed and made her way to the door, wiping her tears and tugging on a shirt that was not stained with tear drops.

She swung open the door and Malfoy immediately barged into her room, causing her to stumble backwards, out of his way.

She scowled at him and shut the door, crossing her arms over her chest, "Do come in, Malfoy."

He plopped on the bed and sighed dramatically.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "What is it, Malfoy?"

He sat up, looking her dead in the eye, "We have a problem."

Hermione shrugged, "And that would be..."

"I have to go to Blaise's banquet tonight," He said.

Hermione rolled her eyes and smirked, sitting on the bed, gripping her wand, "So what you really mean is you have a problem."

He stretched, the 'v' of his hips peeked out from underneath his t-shirt. Hermione looked away, her face heating up. She couldn't help but let her eyes wander back to the bottom of his shirt, his abs quickly covered back up as his arms fell down. Hermione quickly looked down at her hands.

"I wouldn't be too quick to smile like that because you're coming with me, Granger."

Hermione turned to face him so fast her head about rolled off her neck, "WHAT?"

It was his turn to grin, "Yes. Unfortunately, I was feeling particularly empathetic that day and told Blaise I'd be there and he made me promise I'd bring a date. Since I haven't gotten to the whole date part, lucky you, you get to be mine."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him, "How flattering."

He shrugged, " We're leaving in three hours. Try to deflate your hair bomb, will you?"

She stared at him, "Get out asshole."

He smirked and stood up, "Anytime, Granger."


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