Chapter 12

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*Thomas pov*

{Ugh my head..what the fuck?} Thomas moves but instantly stops as he feels something heavy on his chest {what happened last night?} he racked his brain, he remembered getting drunk cause he felt depressed and rejected and then he slightly remembered Hamilton coming into his office..feeling sad though he can't remember why and barfing, after that he slightly remberes Hamilton taking him home and that's it. He sat for a while with his eyes closed..he felt warm..he felt safe..he felt like something was on his chest. He groaned and thought of the worst possible situation but when the thing on his chest moved he suddenly felt horrified. Thomas slightly opened his eyes and looked down and his breath nearly caught in his throat.

He was in Hamilton's house..on Hamilton's couch and Hamilton was asleep on his chest..and Thomas had his arms around Hamilton's waist and Hamilton had his arms wrapped around his chest..his head was right there on his collar bone..damn was Hamilton small. He gulped, okay so the good news was that Hamilton wasn't awake the bad news was that Hamilton saw him drunk and by god Thomas never let anyone see him drunk, not even James. The biggest reason was because Thomas tended to have loose lips while drunk and was very careless so he should be glad he didn't wake up naked with some random person.

Though here he was on a coach with Alexander Hamilton and you wanna know what? He liked it! Damn this felt good, he never realised how small Hamilton was until now, Thomas could easily pick him up if he wanted too and it would be cute to see his reaction. Maybe he should try that later? He then realised he had never looked away from Hamilton when he opened his eyes and he quickly shut them, wanting this to last a little longer so that he could savor it and remember it when it was gone..his heart ached at the thought of it being gone. Though he hugged Hamilton's waist tighter and hummed when Hamilton unconsciously snuggled his head more into Thomas's collarbone, Thomas fell asleep.

When he woke up again the weight was gone and he was cold and he grunted in dismay, he opened his eyes to see Hamilton at the kitchen table signing papers. “Damn don't you ever sleep? What are you even working on?” He growled and the short male looked at him.

“Divorce papers” Thomas paused..divorce papers? That means..Eliza is out of the picture..why does he feel happy about that? He suddenly felt awkward though now that he realized what he was just told.

“Uh..sorry?” Thomas sat up and realized the blush on his face “what?” Hamilton just looked away.

“Um..Thomas” {did he just call me Thomas? Why would he--oh yeah I was drunk} “so..last night” he cringed.

“I was drunk Hamilton forget anything and everything I said” he didn't mean to sound so harsh but he really truly didn't want this to come back and haunt him. He noticed Hamilton tense up and he put down his pen and stood up aggressively.

“Fuck you Jefferson!” {wait..what?} “so you can interrogate me when I say stupid shit while drunk but I can't even bring up you being drunk!? Fuck you!” Thomas stood up and tried to ignore his pounding head.

“That's completely different! You told me my fucking boyfriend was cheating on me! Of course I have the right to interroga--I mean--ask questions!”

“Well you told me to call you Thomas and that you liked me you asshole!” Thomas paused “and that you think I am attractive but I guess you were just trying to find a warm body for the night--you know--get out Jefferson I don't need you fucking with my emotions!” Thomas looked shocked at Alexander for a second before letting his shoulders fall.

“Alex I--”

“Don't you fucking dare call me Alex, asshole”

Thomas just looked at him.

*Alexander pov*

Alexander couldn't believe this, Thomas--Jefferson..had the balls to call him Alex after just ripping out whatever hope Alexander had for him.

“I’m sorry” {what?} he watched as Jefferson walked over and stood right in front of him “I..damn it--I do like you Hamilton--just..fuck” the tall male just brought his hand to his forehead as if he had a headache. “Alexander fucking Hamilton I have liked you for so long” Alex froze “I just thought I was over you and then you just come in and make me like you all over again--just--fuck” Jefferson sounded so defeated, so tired, so heartbroken that Alex couldn't take it.

“Alex” Jefferson looked at him confused.

“What?” Alexander looked at him straight in the eye.

“Call me Alex” Alexander liked the way hope sparked in the taller man's eyes.

“Call me Thomas” Alexander nodded.

“Thomas..” he said almost experimental, even though he had said it before this time was different, very different. “ you too its just--I am still getting over Eliza..ya know?” Thomas gave a smile.

“Yeah, I get it” he put his hand on Alexander's shoulder “believe me..I know”

“That's honesty why I am at the office 24/7 I can't stand being here cause it reminds me of her” Alex didn't know why he was telling Thomas all this, he just was and he would worry about it later cause right now all that mattered was what was happening then and now.

“Then you can stay at my house” Alexander looked up and Thomas in utter shock.

“What?” his eyes where the size of bowling balls but they held hope.

“I mean--if you want to that is” Thomas scratched the back of his head.

“Yeah..s-sure” Alexander agreed but he didn't know what he was signing up for.

“Cool” Thomas said awkwardly

“Cool” Alexander copied with just as much awkwardness and the two shared a shaky smile.


Hey guys!

I don't even know what this chapter is XD its just a way for me to make them closer cause I honestly didn't know how I would Sooooo here it is! Chapter 12!

Bye bye!

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