Chapter 8

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Alexander sighed as he slipped off his suit and undershirt and pulled a plain white shirt over his bare front, he was going to the bat with Laf and Herc soon and wanted to dress comfortably and he shimmied into some jeans and let her hair down from its messy ponytail. He combed through the locks so that it didn't look like a rats best for once. His phone dinged and he already knew who it would be.

French biscuit:you almost ready Mon Ami?

He grinned at the group chat and toyed back his response as he flicked his gaze quickly to the window and back to his phone trying to get a sense of how quickly the sun would set.

A.Ham:yeah just need to get my shoes and I will meet you guys there

Flower gurl:woooo! Party

He chuckled at how brilliant of a idea Laurence had at changing Herc’s contact name to ‘Flower gurl’ after he jokingly said he would be Alexander's flower girl at his bachelor's party and actually went threw with it at the wedding just to make people laugh.

Freckles:Awww you guys partying without me?

A.Ham:don't feel bad Laurence it's just us having a few shots

Freckles:yeah, no. Alexander Hamilton just doesn't...have a few shots

He could just hear the sarcastic tone in his friends voice and the teasing twinkle in his eyes.

French biscuit:hurry up Mon Ami, we are waiting!

A.Ham:alright I am coming

With that Alexander walked out the door and to his old, dinky car. As he drove to the bar he thought about Jefferson of all people and how his boyfriend was doing what he was doing and as he drew to the bar he realised. He was gonna get a strong shot.

He slipped into the bar and laughed to see Herculez and Lafayette already hugging and kissing as Herculez ran his fingers through the frenchman's hair and Lafayette latch his arms around the other man's strong and broad shoulders. As he approached he let put a whistle and the two men scrambled off each other and whirled around to Alexander, both looking flustered and bothered.

“I fucking knew I would end up as third wheel” he said in a mocking tone that mimicked a know-it-all.

“Nonsense!” bustled Lafayette as he looked away embarrassed.

“Yeah whatever” he looked to the bartender and ordered a few shots of cheap beer. Herculez let out a strong and loud laugh as he hit Alexander on the shoulder.

“Your just jealous~” even though Alexander would never admit it, yes, yes he was. Not for Herculez and his relationship with Lafayette but because he got to hold him and someone to hold him back, he had someone to smile and sleep beside him at night. Alexander needed a shot.

“Pffft yeah right. I am doing fine” he put on a fake laugh and eternally cheered when the bartender returned with his ordered drinks. Lafayette must have seen the twinkle of excitement in his eyes cause he grabbed a shot and held it to his chest and Herculez and himself copied the action.

“To friendship and a good deserved break!”

The Frenchman was about to raise when Herculez then added in.

“And to tomorrow morning's killer hangover!” the three men laughed and then raised there shots and the ‘clank’ of the glasses was soon met with the sound of gulps as the three men chugged them without hesitation.

“I bet Alex will be smashed within the next hour” challenged Herculez, tossing Alexander a mischievous glance.

“Ha! No way will Laf actually take that--”

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